For me personally,it is kinda hard to truly connect with people. I have been connecting for a while with an user and I really thought it was a woman, ended up being a man. Not much of a problem but it shows how much you don't know about someone.
I haven't been that long around here yet but I spend quite some time on online platforms since I was just a little child and I actually have two good friends who I met online through this platform, but the communication moved quickly from the platform to Whatsapp, which has a bit more privacy and makes it easier to chat about the more private stuff and connect on a deeper level.
Yeah, this happens I guess, and not just on Hive, but on all social media. People present themselves a particular way for whatever reason and sometimes it's not always for good reasons. This is why I'm cautious, but then I'm like that in real life too.
I think there's probably a few here who connect through other means, WhatsApp included and for exactly the reasons you mention. Again though, I guess some caution needs to be shown with the sharing of information. That's just my cautious side speaking I guess though, and I know a lot of people don't have the same security concerns as I do.
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