These poor animals, I do the same thing to the cats and the dog if I see them snoozing anywhere and they're so cute you just have to. But then they start up the almighty purring (in the case of the cats) or the tail wagging (the dogs) and that's even cuter. Least they can sleep whenever so it's not like they're too deprived XD
I'm impressed you made black and white photography work, I can barely paint in grayscale (I think the only reason I know how to is because I've done light and shadow in greyscale previously but even now I mostly do it in colour) and photography is beyond me.
I'm a bit addicted to colour
I didn't find the cafe pic boring or dull, but mostly because I was busy looking at the contrasts and reflections which I feel really come into their own when you remove most of the colour :)

Oh yeah, it must be difficult to have a few minutes taken away from the 22 hours of sleep they get each day to get patted, cuddled and kissed. Terrible indeed. Lol.
I like colour photos better also however sometimes it gets in the way; hmm, maybe not in the way, but sort of hides some additional value the photo can offer when seen in black and white. Some photos are just begging to be in black and white and then others in colours...I like those that could be either as well.