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RE: What colour

in Galenkp's Stuff7 months ago

Well, I still strongly believe when saying that men drive better than women. Thats what I've seen so far....take for example parking cars in a really small space. Take a woman and a man...a man can park a car in one/two moves while a woman...more than few 😃.

I think MEN these days are...a sensitive topic. Its sad seeing how men are not that MEN anymore. I'll say you do you and continue to have manners as in your example! And hopefully the youth this days will realize that they should work more to build healthy behaviours (in any aspect) and also, become responsable individuals for the society we're all living in.

(Maybe I'm not replying on the point, but its so big the topic and I have so many thoughts about it, sometimes I might not express myself exactly as I think, in English. 🤔)


Yep, the parking thing for sure, I agree.

On the other topic, there's so many elements tobut, so many angles. Things have changed so much and that's how life is I guess, it doesn't mean all of the changes are for the better though.