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RE: What colour

in Galenkp's Stuff โ€ข 7 months ago car is white! ๐Ÿ˜ and I love it! I think white is really nice for a car, especially a more elegant model.
Well just saying that...for clothing I wear a lot of white and black. Not necessarly these two together. But I also love to wear pale colors or dark green. And just sometimes I like to wear something red...but this color is too bold for me. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜…
However, it depends the place, the mood, the you said.


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I get the impression with you that you're well presented and take some care with your appearance and clothing so what you say makes sense to me. Colours are so impactful, send a message to others, just as much as the clothes themselves, or car for that matter. White cars...not just sensible but also practical as they reflect hest away huh?

Thanks for commenting.

I need a white car, considering I'm not a very good driver ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿค“....
(....*I mean...I'm just an avarage girl driver....). And I consider men are better than women driving. Thats not even debatable.

I'm a pretty good driver, not being immodest, just saying it how it is. Why do you say men are better at driving than women though?

I say so because I really think so. Aren't you?
In my opinion, men have better reflexes. Usually, men drive more than women and I think they have more experience and they are more likely to take overall good decisions when there are stressful events on the road and difficult circumstances. I also think they can appreciate speed and distances better than women.

Also, when I say men, I mean MEN. Not kids. These days young boys are a really danger on the roads. Freaking ๐Ÿคซ
At least here in Romania thats the situation. Young children who have a license plate (18yrs old) are so high speeders and take shitty actions when driving, you can't tell!

Now seriously, this is my personal opinion: Men are better than women, when it comes to driving cars (or anything else.)

I think if we're generalising this may be the case, yes. There's so many bad drivers on the roads though (the same types you've mentioned included) and we have a lot of immigrants here who have literally zero skill in driving so it can be difficult to single just one group out.

What I find interesting was the MEN comment. The male of the species is having their manliness stripped away in so many ways and I don't think it's a good thing. You know, I was once berated by a woman for holding the door for her. I was walking through, realised she was behind and I stepped aside and gestured that she could pass through while I held the door. She called me a sexist pig or some such. I was just being polite, I didn't even know she was female initially. Just a small example of how some of the stupid concepts people have, the agendas, work counter-productively. Sad really.

I don't know what women want, but I will continue to have manners, be polite and courteous, chivalrous and all the otter things a real man does.

As for the boys you mention...I don't have a lot of time for the youth of today, male or female, their behaviours are why, but those behaviours have been allowed to occur by society, parents, the government, schools and so on. Senseless.

Well, I still strongly believe when saying that men drive better than women. Thats what I've seen so far....take for example parking cars in a really small space. Take a woman and a man...a man can park a car in one/two moves while a woman...more than few ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

I think MEN these days are...a sensitive topic. Its sad seeing how men are not that MEN anymore. I'll say you do you and continue to have manners as in your example! And hopefully the youth this days will realize that they should work more to build healthy behaviours (in any aspect) and also, become responsable individuals for the society we're all living in.

(Maybe I'm not replying on the point, but its so big the topic and I have so many thoughts about it, sometimes I might not express myself exactly as I think, in English. ๐Ÿค”)

Yep, the parking thing for sure, I agree.

On the other topic, there's so many elements tobut, so many angles. Things have changed so much and that's how life is I guess, it doesn't mean all of the changes are for the better though.