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RE: Find a match

I believe that a person could never know another person, including me, with just a few posts and comments here on Hive: people are complicated and, of course, they don't always reveal everything, or anything, here on the networks.

The first contact between two people is not the skin is the energy of our true essence and that energy is the perfect state to transform what aggregates us or makes us uncomfortable from where I am going to live, from anger, anguish, or LOVE?

I admire and fall in love with those who work from the heart, who are coherent, and sincere, and who feel passion for what they do. Sowing seeds of information!

Human biology acts according to its needs, women respond, feel and solve as we can and men do the same.

Women need to express themselves in one way, men do it differently.

To meet and come to an agreement is a postgraduate of life and to understand that you will never be understood 😀 it's easier!!!!! Breathe and continue

The reading of both sexes is the opposite, "however, there is complemented in it". No doubt, when we hear totally something else and a pitched battle originates... for example.

Nature IS, and against that there is no point in fighting. "Conscious" brain-heart interaction and along the middle line, this is what I think about it.

My respect and sincere friendship to you, Galen


A lack of sincerity is a reason I will choose not to engage with a person, male or female, and her le on Hive or in the real world. I also gravitate towards passionate people as I am also that.

Having said that, a person doesn't always have to like the exact same things as me, in fact I like the variety a person who does not have the same likes or dislikes brings.

At the end of the day though ai think it's all about the feel. If a person feels right then I'll move a little closer, if they feel wrong I'll run like hell.

Also, just so you know, if you quote someone, you need to ensure that the words are the very same as that person wrote. The text of mine you quoted above is not what I wrote. Words have been changed. The nature of a quote is that it is the very same text the person said or wrote. Just for next time, ok?

I agree, but I consciously took it to answer you Galen even knowing that it is not your line of thinking.....I apologize I should have written this that I do now.☮️

At the end of the day, I think it's all about the feeling. If a person feels good, I'll get a little closer, if they feel bad, I'll run like hell.

This is yours hahahah let me tell you something friendship when it is friendship flows without forcing anything.

If you don't get the same objective, don't wear yourself out, and don't waste your time, that objective is not yours!!! You look for something else. Letting go of the importance minimizes the difficulty to obtain the image of what we want and if it is not like that stick the race far away the way.

It's not a big deal in this case but in some situations misquoting someone could lead to complications, so I thought I'd point it out.

Oh yes, totally, and it is necessary to make the caveat of who quotes always thank you for the reminder to be taken into account. Infinite gratitude for the road traveled