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RE: The road to forward finances

It's been different ways of keeping up at different times in life as I am sure is common. Many times I had enough for what I really needed, but not much leftover. Sometimes I thought I was saving something and then BAM ! something came up that took that exact amount ! It was not a fun surprise, but I had to acknowledge that at least I had it when I needed it.

I kind of went sideways on debt a little when I took a 6 year midlife adventure ! I came out of it with debt that I have since paid off, but it did take a while.

At this moment (I say that because you can never be quiet sure what the next moment might bring).... I make more than I have to have and so I save some, more than ever before and spend some on myself and others. What I save is not earmarked for any particular purpose, it's just there for whatever comes up while I always hope nothing comes up. LOL..... "They" say (whoever "they" are) that you should have at least 6 months worth of money put back just in case something goes wrong and by surprise you all of the sudden have no income. That way you will have time for adjusting and regrouping without being out on the street. More than that would be better I am thinking, but I would think that would be a minimum.


There's many ways to do it, but as long as one is doing it then there's a solid and viable way forward.

What I get with you, is that you know what you spend (your outgoings) as you said you make more than you need, and that you save the rest. A solid strategy. Also the six-month reserve is a great idea as it brings a level of comfort, less stress, and that's a good thing.

Now...maybe we'll hear about that six year adventure at some stage...hmm? 😁 Only if you want to...I'm not trying to pry...much.

Ohhhhh the stories ! Some I will never admit too as long as I have control of myself. What I tell after that I hope will be written off as nonsense told by a crazy person, because certainly THAT canNOT be the truth !


Haha, well I'd thought as much! You can't blame me for pushing the issue though right? My suspicions are confirmed and now I'm even more curious.