It's interesting how colour inspires emotion and how it's been used with great effect throughout the ages; there's no wonder so much market research goes into colour selections for products, signage, logos, corporate colours, clothing, architecture and so many other aspects where colour applies.
Red inspires passion and anger, green suggests renewal, nature and healing while blue is used to imply calmness, trust, peace and competency. Grey could signify moodiness and black is evil, elegance and mysteriousness while white leans towards cleanliness, simplicity and honesty; you get the idea, I don't need to go through them all and I'm really no authority on it anyway. Let's just say that colour has a direct effect and influence on a person's mood and emotions. I've been thinking on this recently as I'm considering a new vehicle purchase and part of that is colour selection.
Most of my cars have been white and all of my current cars are this colour. It's mostly for practical reasons as a white car tends to look a little cleaner even when it's not, certainly when compared to darker colours on which every little speck of dust shows up. I also like the crisp look of white cars. Having said this, I have had many black cars too, some super sexy ones that looked stunning...but I was forever cleaning them to keep them looking their best. I don't mind washing cars and I do it diligently (I like a clean vehicle) but there's a point when it becomes a little tiresome.
I've had blue cars, red ones, grey, a green one (sounds horrible but it was quite nice indeed), a couple silver ones and (to my great shame) an orange one as well - that one was bloody horrible but i couldn't afford much and it was mechanically sound. I've owned over 50 vehicles so I've had most colours. Now I have the ability to buy whatever it is I want, within reason, and I'm working through the process of determining colour for the vehicle I'll be buying, a big pickup truck, as getting it wrong will cause me to regret the decision and I don't want to have that possibly occur.
I'll be honest, I'm leaning towards white, no surprises there I guess, but there's an amazing looking heavy metallic graphite grey, sort of in between black and white, and it's calling my name...or at least is creating buy-emotions. Damn colours and their wily ways!
I'm interested in hearing how colour impacts or influences you in respect of what you buy, cars, clothing and so on, and what may cause you to go one way or the other in as far as your choices. If you'd like to comment please go ahead.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
Well...my car is white! 😁 and I love it! I think white is really nice for a car, especially a more elegant model.
Well just saying that...for clothing I wear a lot of white and black. Not necessarly these two together. But I also love to wear pale colors or dark green. And just sometimes I like to wear something red...but this color is too bold for me. 😄😅
However, it depends the place, the mood, the occassion....as you said.
I get the impression with you that you're well presented and take some care with your appearance and clothing so what you say makes sense to me. Colours are so impactful, send a message to others, just as much as the clothes themselves, or car for that matter. White cars...not just sensible but also practical as they reflect hest away huh?
Thanks for commenting.
I need a white car, considering I'm not a very good driver 😅🤣🤓....
(....*I mean...I'm just an avarage girl driver....). And I consider men are better than women driving. Thats not even debatable.
I'm a pretty good driver, not being immodest, just saying it how it is. Why do you say men are better at driving than women though?
I say so because I really think so. Aren't you?
In my opinion, men have better reflexes. Usually, men drive more than women and I think they have more experience and they are more likely to take overall good decisions when there are stressful events on the road and difficult circumstances. I also think they can appreciate speed and distances better than women.
Also, when I say men, I mean MEN. Not kids. These days young boys are a really danger on the roads. Freaking little...sh..ttttts 🤫
At least here in Romania thats the situation. Young children who have a license plate (18yrs old) are so high speeders and take shitty actions when driving, you can't tell!
Now seriously, this is my personal opinion: Men are better than women, when it comes to driving cars (or anything else.)
I think if we're generalising this may be the case, yes. There's so many bad drivers on the roads though (the same types you've mentioned included) and we have a lot of immigrants here who have literally zero skill in driving so it can be difficult to single just one group out.
What I find interesting was the MEN comment. The male of the species is having their manliness stripped away in so many ways and I don't think it's a good thing. You know, I was once berated by a woman for holding the door for her. I was walking through, realised she was behind and I stepped aside and gestured that she could pass through while I held the door. She called me a sexist pig or some such. I was just being polite, I didn't even know she was female initially. Just a small example of how some of the stupid concepts people have, the agendas, work counter-productively. Sad really.
I don't know what women want, but I will continue to have manners, be polite and courteous, chivalrous and all the otter things a real man does.
As for the boys you mention...I don't have a lot of time for the youth of today, male or female, their behaviours are why, but those behaviours have been allowed to occur by society, parents, the government, schools and so on. Senseless.
Well, I still strongly believe when saying that men drive better than women. Thats what I've seen so far....take for example parking cars in a really small space. Take a woman and a man...a man can park a car in one/two moves while a woman...more than few 😃.
I think MEN these days are...a sensitive topic. Its sad seeing how men are not that MEN anymore. I'll say you do you and continue to have manners as in your example! And hopefully the youth this days will realize that they should work more to build healthy behaviours (in any aspect) and also, become responsable individuals for the society we're all living in.
(Maybe I'm not replying on the point, but its so big the topic and I have so many thoughts about it, sometimes I might not express myself exactly as I think, in English. 🤔)
I guess I'm evil, mysterious and elegant. I possess only black clothes and shoes and that's how it's always been. I don't drive, but the family car is white!
That seems like a legit way to be...never change.
I feel like I can be quite extreme! Sometimes I prefer the boring black and white, but at times, I like bright colours like yellow and orange. Probably depends on my mood. Haha.
Mood and colour are quite closely linked I believe.
Historically been a fan of black. All but one of my previous trucks were black except for a green jeep cherokee. Yes that color of green lol. When we made the move to Florida, we decided to trade in the vehicles. Traded my wife's Acadia in on a sexy little Mazda MX5, (not quite as sexy as that Aston Martin, but much better on the pocket!) and my Black GMC truck in on a Chevy Blazer EV. They are both white. I think the white definitely does better reflecting some of the heat. More on the Chevy Blazer EV in a coming post. I really love it.
What? No Aston Martin? Hmm, I'm sure you'll drive that Blazer with the same panache as Bond drives his Aston though!
I'll look out for that upcoming post.
WTF with the Orange Hate.!?!
There's nothing wrong with orange but I can hardly imagine you championing orange jeans. Or maybe I misjudged you.
... if it's about cars and colors, the red of Ferrari, the green of Aston Martin, the orange of McLaren, are iconic colors (am I missing any?) Although the blacks of Mercedes are my favorite.
All good cars and colours indeed.
Buying a car is something I dread doing. We are going to be looking for a new one as well, but with prices and rates up what they are here, we are waiting. We take good care of ours with regular maintenance so they last us a while. My wife wants white like you, but I am a bright red guy. As far as colors for anything else, I don't really pay it much mind. I try to make sure things match the best I can, but usually not successful. I lack fashion sense so wife buys the clothes. Ultimately color doesn't plays a little role, but more from a functional standpoint than a fashion one.
Well, a good compromise between red and white might be pink I guess. It could work on the right car. (Ok, maybe not.)
Yep, pink may be where I'd draw the line.
I concur.
My favorite car color while dreaming about my dream car was red, the one on the BMW M3 E30.
Never had that car but had two red ones… Later I also had yellow, orange, blue, and I drove a lot of white and gray...
Now I drive a brown car, it's just as nice as the gray one, it's not noticeable when it gets dirty.
As for the wardrobe, since I have a lighter complexion and light hair, a dark wardrobe looks great on me, which I often choose in outfit combinations (dark blue most often)...
One doesn't see very many brown cars these days although it used to be a quite popular colour. There's a couple of manufacturers who make a pretty decent metallic brown (or something close to brown) these days and when sparkling clean and on the right car it looks quite good.
Yes, that brown metallic, it looks great in the sun, especially when the car is washed 😀
And today by far the most beautiful color (in my opinion) is the metallic red that Mazda and Renault have on their models.
I saw one today, a Mercedes Benz. Looked good...but it rained later so I imagine it now looks like a pile of poo.
That's not bad either.
When a bird drops shit on him, you can't see it 🤣
Or a dog although a dog isn't probably tall enough to take a shit on a car. Maybe a giraffe.
I remember reading a while ago that red cars are more likely to get pulled over than any other color, so we usually try to avoid that. Whether it is true or not. My wife has always gotten black cars since we have been together. I honestly feel like white shows the dirt more than black, but I could be wrong. My most recent truck is silver and I really dig it. It hides the dirt a bit and it still looks sharp. Honestly, color was pretty low on my list of things to look for. I would have bought a tie dye one if it had all the things I wanted with a low mileage at a good price!
They say red ones go faster too, but I don't subscribe to that line of thinking. It's illogical.
Illogical indeed!
Finding color to make a dirty car look a little nicer is one my main thing as well, I always went using my gut feeling when it came to buying cars. Learned over time that taking time to feel those gut feelings is key, with a bit of luck in today's world.
Can't say much as I owned 3 cars and bought or helped my mother getting a car for her own just to try getting her safer from point a to point b, knowing the car won't fall apart in the next corner.
Blue is my color as well, it helped me chose for the first car with some cool 2000's style looking rims I still got on the car today, today is a bit lighter blue knowing that little mud hides nicely over kind of sky blue color, knowing I will keep it running till it gets oldtimer.
It's kind of ironically hard keeping a capable 4x4 wagon clean when owner is not that shy of mud, rain, giving way to others and always ready to help someone in need
As for new car those pearl white ish colors were always something special, at least on internet, adding those protective clear foils over the paint to protect it do also add a pinch of uniqueness to it as well, maybe even help getting dirt of it as well
I don't mind those pearl white colours although they are notoriously difficult for repairers to colour-match in the advent of body damage so I'd never buy one. All the white vehicles I have/had are non-pearlescent.
I do know about colours!
When I studied graphology, the teacher knew a lot about chromotherapy and taught me many things, like that yellow is wisdom, red is strength, blue is intelligence, black drives out negative energy, orange is communication and so on and so on.
I love pink... and pink means love, what a thing, right? I have a lot of pink clothes, and red, yellow, but nothing green for example... many times you buy what you need.
I had a student who lived with allergies and was sick... favourite colour green... she needed health.
The question is: what do you need? Colours say it all!
Uff I love this topic!
Imagine what life would be like if it was in black and white with no colours at all. Miserable.
I'm dying without colours!
If you saw my clothes! It's all colour and it matches with jeans.
I think the grey car wouldn't be bad at all, the one that's calling you, it must be elegant!
I wonder how it'd work out if someone invented invisible clothing.
You'll soon find out, you hit the nail on the head with something I have to show hahahahaha
You have invisible fucken clothes? Ok, now you have my attention. 🤔🤣
Well.... hahaha
I found an exhibition of dresses... very transparent!🤣
My favorite basketball club colors are green and white so I enjoy those colors in other things as well. I always liked blue as well. But maybe a bit surprising is that one of my favorite clothing items are yellow/ orange jeans. I think that such color is rare and stands out. But I been using them for many years and now they are worn out. So it is time to get a new ones.
Yellow/orange jeans? I'm not sure I've ever seen jeans that colour; they'd certainly stand out!
Ah ok, not orange or yellow. I have jeans the same colour. I thought you meant like this...
fair enough.
According to google orange jeans do exist. But I think that this would be a bit too much for my taste.
I had brown corduroy pants way back when... I rocked those noisy hot uncomfortable brown jeans.
Lol...I had a pair of them too, rocked them like a fucken Titan!
Wouldn't be caught dead in them now. 🤔
Bell bottoms too.
I wear mostly Khaki shorts now. 😉
For cars, I tend to be practical. It's almost always going to be white/silver/gray for me. Science has shown that white reflects a lot of light so it handles heat better. Silver/gray is close to white in handling heat, and tends to hide dirt better, so less frequent washes.
For clothes and a lot of other things, I prefer black or dark blue. I know white would be better for clothes for the same reason above, but I don't really like the color.
I like your thinking on the car colour. White (light) coloured cars are way cooler which matters in a country like Australia.
Just as every human has a different identity, so also each color has its own different identity. Sometimes things are differentiated by color too. As you said in the post, white color has been given as a symbol of peace. Red color is good from a distance because it looks good only in fire safety equipment. Red color for a car is very thought provoking. People here prefer black cars. Now in the summer time, the sun is so hot here that if the car falls in the sun, it becomes an oven. So I keep the black color away. White color is superior in every way. @galenkp
Do you have a favourite colour or one you have an affinity to for some reason?
If you are asking me what is my favorite color then the answer is white. Many people think that white color has no reason to be loved. But I love simplicity. And white color also gives me peace of mind. @galenkp
White is a good choice.
i glad you line my choice. thank you.. @galenkp
Reading it, I was amazed about the number of cars you have. Have you ever tried it to use all in just 1 month? 😁
Anyway, in terms of the color of the car, my husband told me that white was the best choice, the scratches is not easy to spot.
As for the color of my life, I'm a girl who finds pink cute, seeing that color motivates me too, since pink for me symbolizes happiness. I love the color green too because for me, it describes my life, ordinary. Yeah, these are my color choices.
White cars are the way to go usually, but there's exceptions.
Yes.. and one of it is the availability. 😊
Any colour you like; as long as it's black.
You'll be running those LED lights under the body, and in the wheel wells yeah?
Which bumper sticker? Gas, grass or ass; nobody rides for free or No fat chicks?
I had one Do not overtake overturning vehicle which I thought was pretty swanky. I ordered it out the back of a magazine as we didn't have the internet yet.
Back ye olde days. I liked those days better than the current.
Nah, not my style. No stick family stickers either.