I managed to take a lunch break at work today and also managed to escape the office for a walk around the area to stretch my legs and get some fresh air. With time to myself in mind which I knew would help my productivity for the afternoon I turned off my work phone, yes I know how dare I, and stuck my ear thingys in to listen to some music on Spotify on my personal phone as I walked.
I have a play list called whatever and in it is whatever sounds good at the time; as you can imagine the playlist is full of all sorts of different tracks that probably shouldn't go together in one playlist but they're all mine and it works well for me. I change it from time to time as I get sick of one thing or add in something else and my unwritten rule is that I only ever play it on random and never change a track to something else when once it's started playing. Simple rules for a simple fellow.
I figured I'd share a few tracks from that playlist today.
I like this track as it reminds me of a really great and moving movie starring my favourite actress. I'm not far away from reading this book after completing what I'm currently reading and am really looking forward to it - As good as I find the movie (I found it very good) it's said the book is far better. The light between oceans
This track is in my whatever playlist because it's just nice...and also because someone sent it to me recently with a message. I appreciated it and went on to explore some more of this artists' music which I find passionate and real. Break my heart again
Lastly is this powerful track by one of my favourite bands which puts a focus on human trafficking. As with most of this bands' videos it tells a story and has meaning, something many artists struggle to find these days. Judgement day
What's up y'all...care to share a track in the comments below that exists in your own playlists and explain why it's there?
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own
Holy mother of... Those are great! Especially that third song. I remember you telling a long long time ago about Five Finger Death Punch and I thought their songs were good but this is in a totally new level. Judgement day is AWESOME!
I was going to tell you that I only have two playlists. The one that I usually listen has every song I have in it. Except for the song I just listened because my Winamp deletes the song I've just heard from the playlist because I got fed up listening the same songs three, sometime four times a day since I have so many song that the randomly playing list can't handle it so isn't that random anymore. If I don't like the song, I delete it, that is, if I manage to decide that fact before the Winamp code deletes it from the playlist. And all the songs that are left in my computer but aren't in the playlist anymore, get another chance to be played again in about two or three or five months since I have about 24.000 songs. It takes a long time to listen everything. At this point I have 7703 songs until the playlist that could be called: "all my songs" is over and out and I'll add all the song back to it again.
And the other playlist I have... well, I no longer have it since it was on my phone and I've changed my phone and there went the playlist and the songs I've copied to it. But it was similar to your "whatever" playlist. It had songs that I thought are good. I never had any rules on how to listen it. I skipped or repeated songs as much as I liked since the songs are very different.
I can't remember all the songs I had in it but I think I remember few. So these are from my playlist called: the best.
AURORA covers Massive Attack 'Teardrop'
LP - Tokyo Sunrise
CLIPPING - Nothing Is Safe
Fever Ray 'Keep The Streets Empty For Me'
I have no other reason for all of these songs being in my second no longer existing playlist than just the fact that I get stuck to the song when I hear it. Everything in the song just sounds so good that I have to listen to it on repeat. And the first two songs make me cry.
And if I still had the playlist, I would add this song to it:
Ren - Money Game Part 2
Because of the lyrics and the timing. The powerful message. Simply brilliant.
Oh yeah, it's a great track...I like most of what the band produces, only a couple I'm not into.
Ok, so thanks for those tracks, I really like Tokyo Sunrise and the Aurora track, I'll be adding those for sure.
So...24,000 songs? That's about 1600 hours of music, 66 days or so, based on them being an average of 5 minutes long...That's a lot of music.
It's good to hear from you, I hope you're well and life is on the right track.
More or less that many songs. Some I delete because I no longer like all the music that I've been collecting my whole life and digitizing it but most of the time I find more good music and soon I need more disc space. But yeah, I'm a music addict and like every genre, just not all the songs or bands from any genre I hear.
Aurora and LP both have such magical voices. Different but so beautiful.
I'm well, I hope you are too! :)
Music has been a huge part of my life too, since I can remember. I play some instruments, since a very young age, and also just love listening to music. I can't relate to people who don't like or listen to music...it seems so odd.
I'm ok, just getting closer to my ultimate demise each day but living life as best I can. 😁
And then... death.
Should add that to every conversation. Casually just to remind people what life is all about. Only thing that is sure to come.
"Hello how are you"
"Well, and you"
"Okay but one day I'll die. We all will.
Or why keep the conversation even that long? Why not just:
"Hello, may I help you, are you waiting for a sales person?"
"Yes and also death."
Or if you are the sales person why not start with the only thing that matters:
"Can I help you with a new sofa and a sudden death?"
Happy death waiting days!
I think acknowledging that I'll die eventually helps me get more from life whilst I'm alive; no point denying it'll happen.
I like your suggested dialogues and will be adding them into my personal and professional conversations...I'll think of you when I do. 😆
Do they say y'all down your way too?
Over the years I've known several people who've been trafficked, it's an incredibly fucked up situation. Known a few traffickers too, one of whom managed to meet a rather violent and unlamented end. Pretty sure one of the others is why people kept doing drive-by shootings outside my old house.
Got a track for ya, Warren Zevon has long been one of my favorite artists and Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner pretty well stays on my playlist. It's my go to tune for when things are well and truly fucked and you've still got to do it anyway, good for getting your head in the right place for that.
Some say it y'all here, depends what part of the country one is in, I tend to say it now and then because I picked up the habit when spending time with people who said it a lot back in the day. It's a good word.
Human trafficking is a massive issue and I think it's good for some light to be cast on it, the song I liked is just one way to do so, a good way. The reality is that most folks stick their heads in the sand and don't want to see or acknowledge that's it's there, but it clearly is. It's pretty disgusting really, how people ignore that there's more humans in slavery now than at any other time in history.
Thanks for the tracks, the ones you share are always worth a listen.
Ah, gotcha, it's definitely a regional thing here, was surprised to see it coming from your side of the equator.
I think the reality is that most folks have their heads in the sand about a great many things, but that's definitely one of them. Here sex trafficking gets all the attention and most of the other flavors of it get even more overlooked. Are you familiar with the scam slavery operation in Myanmar/Burma? Every year for Kentucky Derby there's always a huge influx of people being trafficked just for the horse race crowd. There's usually a federal task force after them but it never seems to dent the next years festivities. It's truly is disgusting, made even more so by it's long history.
My pleasure!
Yeah, I'd heard about the scam thing you mention,
don'tdidn't really know the details though. There's so many things wrong with humanity and I'll be honest and say I wonder if it's reversible...I think not. It's amazing what good things a person can do for and to another...and disgusting what bad things the same people can do to each other. shameful.Rolling Stones as I strummed away on my little plastic guitar. Sounds like a tale from an 8 yr old but no, I was in my mid 20's.Well that's a fun topic of the day. I like the song below because I can sing along to it low key and actually sound less bad than usual. This song went under the radar for a long time for me but @slobberchops reminded me of my favorite retro video game, Guitar hero PlayStation series. This song was slow and boring but it wasn't foul sounding so it grew on me as I started giving upscale no lip-sync public concerts to my cats like I was going to be on the cover of
I'm not much into Radio Head but this one is a track I can listen to. I sometimes don't like everything a band produces but it would be limiting not to listen to those tracks a band produces that I like simply because I don't generally like the band as a whole.
Thanks for sharing this track and the background story of you at 8 years old...I mean 25. 😋
I'm the same, some bands I only like the odd song and not the actual band. These guys are one of those bands but like you said, sometime that have that one that sticks to the back of ones head and next thing you know you can't get rid of it and just roll with it...This might be more the silliness and fun that I have attached to it over the years, before the game I was indifferent to it.
No matter the system one chooses I think it's of value to one's life to have some music playing and because variety spices up life why not change it up now and then huh? I like your system as it keeps things fresh and interesting and that seems like a good way for ones life to be.
Thenks for the track, I've not heard it before and sort of liked it to be honest, I'll be adding that one to Spotify.
This one always speaks to me, even though I'm neither Christian nor gay (and neither is Justin Vernon as far as I'm aware)
It's just the injustice of an establishment that gets to me, I suppose.
He comes to church and they accept him with open arms, unconditional love yadda yadda, until he confesses his 'sin' of homosexuality and how men in the streets beat him up and said 'the gays had to pay'.
The church changed its tune, however, they 'show him the door'. 'we're not on your side'.
So he leaves, one could interpret as committing suicide 'that's why I'm leaving this world behind me', in the hopes that he'll be accepted more directly by God.
It's as straightforward as it is sad, and from a musicians point of view, a firm reminder that something so simple can be so deep (and also how a song in a major key can be so sad, despite what teachers insist lol).
Always amusing when a group with a name like 'five finger death punch' can touch on real issues heh
It's been said a gazillion times, but music is a very powerful force where humans are concerned and I guess with animals also, some of which make their own for fun and communication and such things.
I like it when music hits me a little harder in one way or another and have had some surprises in my day, tracks and bands I'd not have thought would do so; I like it though, it keeps life interesting.
I sometimes wonder what humanity would be like without music. I haven't come up with an answer yet.
On 5FDP...most of their music has a lesson, a message or a point, mostly they're good ones too.
I am curious how the impact of music is different from an emotional hit via lyrical content vs the pure essence of the music itself (e.g., orchestral). It's nota very tangible thing to easily philosophise about but... fascinating all the same.
I rekcon if we had not made music, we would... like religion, inevitably make it in the end =D
Hi Galen, I'm strolling through Hive and going through the two channels I've been through before coming to this one I almost cried with emotion and joy. And now you ask us for a song and I can't help but get excited. Fifteen days ago I bought the new album of a very important artist in my life, Rocio Marquez. After the death of my father I had been two years without listening to music and it was listening to her when I reconnected to the wonderful world of music. Now she has a new album and it seems that she knew what my vital moment was. A moment of change after a huge life crisis. The melodies of the album accompany me at various times of the day and move me. I leave you the link to one of his songs:
It's incredible the power that music can have and you clearly demonstrate that above.
Thanks for sharing a little of your story and this great artist, who I have not listened to before...but will in the future. I'd hoped I'd find some new things to like in this post and I have. Thanks.
I like to play Spotify on random mode - and over time, the algorithm sorts of understands what songs I prefer and what songs I don't quite like. Anyway, I chanced upon this song today and I thought the melody sounded cool so I added to my playlist! ;)
That's a pretty good track, not one I've heard before. I was hoping people would drop tracks I'd not encountered previously and many have. Thanks for taking the time.
No problem, you are welcome!
There are many of my playlists that have a bunch of different random songs and styles of songs in them. I might go from country to rap to heavy metal in a half hour period. Plus a couple show tunes as well! Nice selection of songs here!
You sound like me...my tastes are quite varied and I think that's how it should be. Glad you liked the tracks I dropped.
How relatable other people's experiences or realities are will always feel surreal to me. I have a playlist like this too. A Whatever playlist. Every genre of music is on there, and I named it Everything, haha.
There's a particular song I love, by Juice Wurld. I loved it the first time I listened to it and had it on repeat for a while. Then at another time of my life, when I didn't have it on repeat anymore, I had the kind of experience the song was about and it resonated with me so much I couldn't let it go. It's always a bitter-sweet feeling each time I listen to it - the love of the song, and the sad experience that made me understand it better.
The song is called Lucid Dreams.
Thanks for sharing, that's not a bad track at all, kind of catchy. I've not heard that one before so I'm glad you came along and shared it with me. 😉
😁 I'm glad I did. You're very welcome. 🙌🏾
I just think that those two songs are very powerful and epic.
these two are just fun songs that make me feel better.
Music has the ability to shift moods, and attitudes and I think it's good to have some tracks on hand that do so to be used at the appropriate time.
Friend recommended music is pretty much the only way I add music to my playlist right now. I haven't been listening to the radio, or trying to find new music. Maybe it is a sign of getting old, but nostalgic music just hits different. The ones you shared are good ones, I like them. Here is one music that I got from a friend that I really liked:
WALK THE MOON - Shut Up and Dance
I can't listen to the radio either, too much rubbish.
Nice track you shared, I like that one too, very up-beat and catchy!
Glad you liked it. I think it's a good pick me upper. Maybe a bit pop-y, but has a bit of 80s feel to it.
My wife loves Jacob Lee. She introduced his songs to me when we first started talking. He is quite underrated I would say, his songs are really good.
Thanks for bringing back some memories, man! I sent this version to my wife just now haha. I know that she'll absolutely love it. Cheers! 🥃
Hey mate, a good artist for sure. Isn't is so cool how music can draw people together, create and help recall memories and all. I love music.
It's a key indicator for our generation you know haha. Most of the time if our tastes in music are alike, then it's a sign that the friendship/relationship may be heading towards a positive direction.
It's a simple thing, but it does mean a lot to some.
Nicely said.
Lol...perfect for every occasion.
Always! 😂
Hi there.
I have my own playlist to share.
Actually, this are all my original compositions. I know you don't understand the Filipino languange but I hope you still try to listen all of it. Actually, I only have one english song in that playlist and it is not belong to my album but I also wrote that song and I played it with my former band.
I hope you like it. Thanks.
I don't understand the language but listened to a couple. I can imagine you get a lot of value from creating your own music, what led you down that path initially?
I really love music. Back then, I only play guitars and sing some cover song. Then January 2020, I accidentlly wrote a song and finished the whole song with less than 3 hrs. That inpires me to write another song for my band until lockdown comes due to covid. That's when I wrote more songs and most of it, I totally play all other instruments cause I dont have friends to help me cause of lockdown.
It seems like you're a natural at it, I hope you keep it up. Good luck with it.
Thank you! I still write songs for my 2nd album. If you want to know the meaning of each song, here's fhe link https://peakd.com/hive-188409/@deythedevil/kiko-dey-ugat-album
I summarired it all in english.
Thank you again.
Your playlist is called ... whatever? Original name!
Mine is called walk, and as the name suggests I use it while walking at high speed, I like speed hahaha.
I didn't know any of the three songs, but I really liked the first one, it's beautiful!!!!
This song beyond the video.... I like the rhythm for walking.
This other one, is because I love the lyrics and the music, for me it's ... I can't describe it, it inspires me a lot!
And this last one has a very powerful energy.
I've got many playlists, but yeah, one is called whatever, because why not? 😉
Thanks for sharing some music, I'll have a listen in the car tomorrow, I have a fairly long drive for work.
I hope you're well.
I have 20 songs on that list but I liked those today hahaha.
Good night!!! Family day and homemade pizza here!
Twenty? About time you added some more huh?
I should add more or change my list hahahahahaha for future long walks at full speed!🤣
Well, I accept that it is a good option to switch to music tracks when you want to relax. I often take my buds on and go for a long walk early in the morning.
All my song tracks are in the urdu and Punjabi language so you might not like them because you won't understand. 🙂
Still you want me to drop some here?
I've never heard one of those, drop one of you like, I'll give it a listen.
This is one of the recent songs I began to listen to and liked really much.
Singer : Raj Shekhar
(This video doesn't belong to me nor I made it. A link shared from YouTube)
Cheers. It's not my thing to be honest, but I didn't expect it to be. Thanks for sharing.
You are welcome 🤗
Whenever you need any urdu or Punjabi track (which I know you will never need) just remember me. Hehe
What book is not better than a film? I've seen the plot of the movie and I'll look for it to see if I can watch it because I liked it. The music is beautiful.
It's a beautiful film, I hope you get to watch it.
I've got it, I'll watch it today. Thank you. 😁
Please let me know what you think by message.
What a cool friend, it's always good to change the sound of the music, in the end the music speaks to us. Thanks for sharing.
Music speaks for sure, and what it says to each of us is unique to the individual.
That's right friend, greetings.
@tipu curate
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