Sort of like a purple tit

in Galenkp's Stuff7 months ago


I'm not at all sure why a tit would be purple, is it holding its breath? Is it painted? I don't know...I also don't know why I'm talking about tits because this post has nothing at all to do with them, as wondrous and awesome as tits are. No, this post is about unidentified flying objects, UFO's and possible alien visitors. They might have tits, these aliens, but I'm not going to focus on their tits if indeed they have them, as much as I like tits. Anyway, let's talk about UFO's.

Not too long ago a mate and his wife were over to eat burgers, have a beer and talk shit. During the course of the afternoon he told us that they'd seen a UFO. Because I find that stuff interesting I was...umm...interested, and listened intently, but not before saying, don't be a fucken wanker bro! (A mandatory response when a mate tells another mate they saw a UFO.)

My mate had only consumed two beers and his wife none at all and she corroborated his story of having seen, on their last camping trip a month or so earlier, a UFO in the sky over the Flinders Ranges, one of our favourite (remote) camping spots. I was like, "fuck off man, did the aliens have tits?!" Not really, I didn't say that at all, instead I listened to the story, the description of the UFO and how it moved across the sky, came to an abrupt stop, moved again in a new direction, stopped, moved in a different direction and so on as if it was doing some sort of grid-search of the ground below. Weird.

It seemed doubly weird that I'd actually heard the story years before, from someone else whom I trust, and whom my mate has never met.

My dad told me he'd seen the same thing, I mean my mate described the exact same thing as my dad did years ago. The same colours and shape, the same fast movement and dead stop, the grid pattern movement and the way it shot off at incredible speed away then up into the sky. Ok, this is weird right?

I asked my mate some questions about noise, flashing lights, size and shape, speed, distance from him, whether it slowed before stopping or came to an abrupt dead stop, and how it then finally disappeared. I was looking for inconsistencies in his story but there were none and it matched what my dad had told me exactly back in 2002.

We chatted some more about it, UFO's, life on other planets, alien tits, and such things and eventually the conversation moved away but it stayed with me all week and has left me wondering...what if?

I trust my mate and I don't think my dad would have purposely misled me about a sighting; but both having the same story? I have no way of explaining it other than to say, it happened or there's a monumental coincidence at play. I don't know how I'd feel seeing a UFO and out there, in the wilderness with no one for hundreds of kilometres? Hmm, could be a bit freaky. My mate, a stoic tough as nails mother fucker was a little rattled and I don't blame him. He went a shade paler when I told him my dad told me the same story twenty two years earlier too.

Is there life on other planets, do those lifeforms visit Earth, do aliens exist and do that have lovely perky tits? I don't know. Do I want there to be? I don't know. I guess I can't shake the feeling that a lifeform clever enough to get here to Earth could end badly for humans should those aliens not be friendly.

What are your thoughts on aliens and UFO's? Have you seen one or know someone who has? Have you been abducted and probed? Have you seen an alien and if so did she have have awesome tits? Feel free to comment if you'd like to.

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I don't know what it says that I still think bird instead of human anatomy when I hear/read tit. It's a split second but there's still a momentary confusion when I don't see a bird XD

If extraterrestrial visitors are smart enough for interstellar space travel they're probably doing nature docos on us.

I imagine a bunch of (purple titted) aliens sitting around the TV watching that doco thinking, these humans are crazy!

They'd be right.

"Key X-Files music"

Yeah the UFO stuff is pretty wild. I would have had a different opinion about it a year ago or more, but today I'm pretty sure that it could be one of two things:
1 - government black-ops crafts, kind of like drones except higher tech
2 - a different civilization, potentially the pre-cursor group that helped settle us. Billy Carson really dives deep into this, there is a LOT of evidence of this type of stuff found in the ancient Sumerian texts. Getting past the dogma of people who decry this as lunacy, what the fuck is so wrong with the notion that there are beings out there that are way fucking smarter than we are? Just because you can't sense the touch of an oxygen atom doesn't mean that it's not there in the air. The same logic is applied, in my opinion, of beings from other planets. We aren't THAT special to be the only living species in the cosmos, sorry pumpkin.

It doesn't seem logical to think we're the only life forms or that Earth is the only planet that sustains life, I agree with you.

I few up with a healthy appetite for sci-fi and the ethos that just because it can't be explained it doesn't mean it can't be.

I don't know if the government are involved, it's possible of course, but I feel it's also possible that there's other live in the universe and that they are here scoping things out.

Given the vastness of the universe, I’d guess that it’s highly unlikely that our little blue dot is the only place with sentient life. Our galaxy alone has over a hundred billion stars and the Milky Way itself is just a tiny blip in the Laniakea Supercluster which has 100,000 galaxies, and the Laniakea is in turn a subset of even larger collection of superclusters.

Agreed, I just commented to someone else and said the same.

I've seen them. Orange ball of light not too far from me. One flew in from the south, low from behind some trees. Then it stopped in front of me inline with the road I was walking on with my kids. So we're staring at this thing maybe 1 kilometer away floating just above the tree line. It's dark but it wasn't lighting up the area below it. Then a few more came along, same flight path as the first, equal distance apart. That's when I knew, this isn't normal.

They gathered but didn't collide. Floated there for a bit with the first one. Then headed east on by one, same flight path, equal distance apart again, flying low. Watched them until they were far enough that I couldn't see them anymore.

No sound either.

That's pretty cool.

I think many people are influenced by what they see on the movies and have preconceived ideas on what a sighting might be like, but I like to hear from people who hav seen something as it's often far different to the Hollywood version.

Did you feel weird, excited or scared...what did you feel and think?

At first I thought it was one of those floating candle lanterns. Once it stopped and stayed for a few minutes, I knew that wasn't the case. Kids and I were standing under a street light. Once it kicked in, for some reason my first instinct was to go stand off to the side in the dark. "Taking cover" but not really. Just out of the direct light. We stood there and, watched. Not fearful. Not frozen. Not even in awe. Just trying to process it.

Then when the others came, I knew exactly what I was looking at. Some big orange balls in the sky that shouldn't be there. It felt special. Peaceful. Totally calm. I was more confused with the first one. Then it became clear. I was satisfied I got my answer, in a way.

Told the kids not to tell anyone. I thought they'd get picked on. I was more worried people wouldn't believe them or they'd have trouble explaining it.

My oldest daughter remembers it. The other was too young at the time. She was more busy wondering why I'm asking them to stand on the side of the road in the dark.

This was before drones were so common as well. The flight path also followed the grid. Coming from south heading north, perfectly. Then directly east. Those lanterns can't do that. Plus these lights were much larger. Not bright or hard on the eyes at all.

Can't say I thought about much at the time. Once that was over we carried on with our walk. Life as usual.

I can't say for sure what it was. But that's what I saw and I have a witness.

I wouldn't mind seeing them again.

I asked because others I've spoken to have told me how they felt and they got that peaceful feeling also, calmness. Interesting huh?

I think the first thing to do is look for a logical reason/explanation for the sighting, that makes a person question it enough to delve into it. But when it's not explainable then one is forced to think outside the box and in ways that may force the paradigm to expand. Some don't have the ability for that of course.

I like this sort of thing, fascinates me, the unexplainable...annoys me too because I like to find answers.

Can't say for sure it was aliens. Been sitting here trying to type out this response thinking it could be something spiritual as well and my hair keeps standing on end. So maybe it was that. Whole body is tingling now. lol do you ever get that? I bet you will after reading this. I'll send them over.

There's that as well of course, there's many cases in which such (spiritual) sightings have been reported.

The tingles...I'm not sure if I want or need the tingles right now, unless they're fruit tingles...the yummy candy that tingles in the mouth from when I was a kid...I'd even share with the aliens.


Wow. Life Savers actually give you the entire candy over there in Australia instead of being cheap asses and putting a hole in the middle.

I'm very convinced there's something else out there—I mean, we are nothing compared to the universe. I remember my grandad talking about encounters, but I was too young to even fathom what he was saying. I never really questioned if they have tits or not, but I'll keep an eye out if I get abducted or something!😆

It just seems logical to think it's possible, I mean when one looks at the way out planet has formed, how life started and evolved, it's too far a stretch to think that couldn't happen elsewhere right?

Also, yeah if you get abducted please keep me apprised on the boobs or not scenario.

I see aliens all the time.

Every time I L👀k in the mirror. I think who the fuck is this old bastard staring back at me. I was thinking alien but thanks to your post this surely is not true as the reflection has no tits.

I would tend to believe there is something going on that we don't know. But they have not taken me in the night and probed me. Until then I will stay skeptical. And never make eye contact with that ancient alien in the mirror. I mean... Who the fuck is this guy! Surely I am not that damn old !!

Lol...from another planet, no doubt!

Look, when you get taken, probed and returned, you'll have the scoop on what's up. I mean, you'll know what's going on, all the ins and outs like do aliens have boobs and are they purple.

I look forward to hearing.

I find it statistically likely that, given the vastness of our universe, there must be some form of intelligent life out there.

Have I ever seen a UFO? Zero experiences... absolutely nothing.

I kind of think they wouldn’t bother with us because, as time goes on, it seems like we're going to self-destruct. Honestly, it might be valuable for them to study us and learn what not to do.

Or...maybe they want to harvest our bones because they make medicines out of them...sort of like some cultures think it's ok to kill animals for their fins, tusks and so on. Hmm...

Ooohh. Or they might use us in their alien rituals, making us go through harmful body modifications or experiments.

Possibly, they might invite us for scones and tea also I guess...but I'm hoping they exterminate humanity so the planet can start to heal.

Can I have the scone and tea before the exterminate us?

One must always have a scone and tea before extermination, every time!

No close encounters of any kind whatsoever here, or at least that I can remember, although I do have a family member who insists they saw a flying saucer.

I hope aliens have awesome tits like most Star Trek actresses, but I have a hunch they'd be more like that salt vampire from TOS who pretended to be a hot babe just to suck the life out of gullible horny humans.

Haha! This comment made me laugh although, I'm with you on the hope aliens have awesome tits. Fingers crossed!


Questions, questions....Hmmm, never been abducted, never been probed. I saw an alien on Star Wars I think it was that had three tits, but no I have never seen one to my knowledge, though I did look for a zipper in the back of my ex-boss's neck because I had my suspicions on his origins.

Actually, I don't discount anything. Just because I can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. Maybe there are aliens, maybe we're the aliens, maybe there are ghosts and spirits...who knows???

Bloody bosses... mostly all aliens...well, except when I'm the boss. Hmm, ok nah, I'm an alien for sure.

Three titted aliens? I think that was in Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it. I wonder where the gets her bras from, some alien version of Honey Birdette I guess. Lol.

I believe that only a fool closes off his/her mind to that which cannot easily explained; itS through exploring that treasures can be uncovered either in the external world or within oneself.

Could very well have been Total Recall, but unfortunately I can't totally recall lol.

Haha, I opened the door for that one huh?

😅 I choose to think that yes, they are among us. There are many things we don't know and many, many more we don't understand. Who knows? 🤷‍♀ It's not something that keeps me awake at night either.
I doubt they would want to harm us if they exist. They would have already done so.
We do the harm to ourselves.

Yep, humans are their own worst enemy and I reckon maybe aliens look from afar and think, no point bothering to eliminate them, they're doing that to themselves.

Also...I might be an alien, but don't tell anyone.

🤣 Probably, that's how the aliens must think. I saw some cottony things a while ago that passed through here. My neighbours called me and all of us in the neighbourhood saw it. So, dismiss the idea of: the crazy nani saw cotton balls flying.

I'm sure it was you... hahaha... that you passed by saying goodbye.

Lol, yeah that was definitely me.

I have heard of such stories and seen pictures but as I didn't see them with my eyes I can't tell you if they have tits .... and other things... maybe they are hermaphrodites. But I think they might look like us in many ways, imagine if they have a super giant head! I don't think anyone looks at the boobs....😂

I think they exist, I think they visit us or they are on earth too many years ago maybe before us. I think there may be several species, and like humans good and bad... I prefer to meet the good ones, chat...

I guess they have a lot of intelligence... I don't know what I would feel if I saw one, fear but at the same time intrigue, I would ask a lot of questions. What would they think of us?

Aren't you curious to go there yourself and try to see a UFO? I would love to see one!

Don't fool yourself, everyone looks at the boobs!

Tell me, if one asked you to go to their planet would you go?

Why deny it, you're right .... always look at the boobs hahahahaha

If was one of the good ones... I'm going. I want to know more!

If were one of the bad guys, he wouldn't ask me, he'd kill me and that's it hahahaha

True, some may not ask but what if you didn't like it there, or they ate you for breakfast or something; that'd ruin your day.

If I didn't like it and they send me back, that's fine... now I've been eaten... hahaha I won't even notice... I must be tasty! That they kill me before and not to feel that they eat me alive... that would be horrible!

The might make you their Queen...I guess one never knows what's possible when it comes to aliens.

Great!!! I will have my own kingdom! I hope there are handsome men hahahahahahaha

I think it had been more than thirty years since I heard about these sightings, in fact, even in my country (a miserable spot on the globe) there was a visitation observed by many people, and I do not know if it had to do with the government (or governments), but after many American movies and serials, the rage for UFOs disappeared from the radar of the interesting.

I was particularly passionate about the subject, and I gave credibility to the existence of places that could be witnesses of the alien presence through their enigmatic works and drawings, and that even after so many years of discovery, are only plagued by scientific theories not proven one hundred percent, as is the case of the lines and figures on the ground in the desert of Nazca, Peru.

But the idea must be maintained because it is also very convenient for tourism 🤫.

I think we have chosen as a planet not to live alarmed by these visits, which does not mean that they do not exist and that we are not being observed.

And also maybe apart from nice tits, I also have nice asses.😁

Sorry for the translator's errors.

I agree with you that just because we may not see them or cannot explain them that doesn't mean they're not there, but the concept of it is often exploited for financial gain too.

Anyway, nice tits and asses huh? Well, let's hope both are the case and they have a stripper pole in the space craft!

The latter would be a very good alien promotion, so we can improve interplanetary relations while we're at it.
I hope they invite ....Jajaja..

The first part of your post made me imagine those skinny, big-headed, none-descript figures so many seem to draw or create when addressing possible aliens.... with added giant bosoms. I have never seen any serious folks, I mean, UFO serious folks depict any having any kind of gender obvious features. Maybe in satire....

Maybe they are just observing and after what they have seen, they want no close contact. LOL !!!

I consider myself "open minded" on this subject. I have never seen anything I would consider a UFO except now that I think of it, there was something in the last year, out my back window one night that appeared to be something that had three lights across a thin horizontal line and it seemed to hover in the same place for a long time. I noticed it and watched it for a few seconds, thinking it was just a plane, although they normally don't show up as 3 lights in a line. Planes though, do a steady move across the sky and these lights, didn't appear to be moving. I watched it a while and it stayed there for a while and then it was gone. It could be very explainable, but I don't know that explanation.

I sometimes believe the aliens are here and that the people that are running our government are offspring of those creatures. Surely REAL people could not make such decisions for millions of others that are so bad !

I would never be surprised to find out there are other intelligent creatures somewhere. I think generally, as a human race, we are pretty arrogant if we don't at least entertain the possibility that there could be.

Aliens with giant who wouldn't appreciate that?!

No close contact and observing us, or maybe they know people will gawk at their boobs?

I think the first thing we need to do is approach sightings with logic and find a reason for them that we understand, but when we cannot. Then one needs to start thinking, ok, this. Oils be something else. So many people shy away from what can't be explained rather then embrace it. I think there's something out there, purple tits or not, and it's feasible that they're among us jr at least flying around.

If you hadn't mentioned the story about your dad and how long ago that happened I would have guessed for sure it was a drone or something like that. I just don't think that kind of tech was available back then to do something like this. At least not outside of certain organizations. My mother in law experienced a segment of lost time when she was much younger, and while I believe her, she can't really give many details.

Yeah, no drones back then when my dad saw it and drones don't move at clean right angles or with the speed both accounts mentioned. Who knows what it was, not me and not those two people who saw it.

There's a lot of stories of people losing time segments...many don't have any explanation. Curious.

I'm smart enough to know that we don't even know a fraction of the mysteries of the universe, so I try to keep a pretty open mind.

Open minds are preferable to closed ones so you're on the right track I'd say.

I know that even the US Air Force saw a UFO and took video. In my opinion, the time for jokes on this topic has already passed.

If we talk seriously. There are about 300 billion star systems in our Galaxy, 20-30% of these stars are yellow dwarfs (like our Sun). The age of these stars is up to 10 billion years (our Sun is 5 billion years old). Let's think about what heights a civilization 5 billion years older than ours can reach. And don’t say that we are alone in the Universe, our dinosaurs were alone, and aquatic life on our planet was alone in the Universe for half a billion years :)

I also forgot to say - there are hundreds of billions of Galaxies like ours (with hundreds of billions of stars) in the visible part of the Universe. We are alone because we don't see anyone in the radio range, they said...

I agree, it's inconceivable to think we are the only inhabited planet; there's life out there.

You raised a very interesting topic! Which few people can yet discuss seriously. All this is due to our backwardness and opinion "the most intelligent" at this point in the Universe. I think that we are still a very young civilization and, of course, we are under the microscope of more developed ones. I hope they are simply watching us, without interfering at all with the ecosystem of our planet.

Yeah, humans are not a very old bunch, several thousand years is a small span of time compared to the many millions the plant has been around...and then considering the universe...we are small and insignificant in comparison. I like to think we're being watched.