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RE: Feeling secure?

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago (edited)

It's rather tragic that it's happened to innocent people and also that a human would want to do such a thing...but humans are fucked so I'm not surprised. I've seen a lot over my tears and and am never surprised about what a human can do to another...and there's people here whining about a downvote as if it really matters. #fucktards

I'm highly focused on situational awareness and some say too much so...but those that say that are what I'll refer to as possible victims. Head on a swivel is better than head crushed beneath car tyre. (Tire, is what tyre translates to for you Americans. Lol)


Ooo, I'm glad you translated lol. Is there such a thing as being too focused on situaltional awareness? I don't think so in this day and age. Some can't be bothered with gets in the way of their good time. Others say there's safety in numbers, but numbers are what these people are aiming for. I'm not saying one should just stay home and not enjoy public functions, but your penchant for situational awareness is something people would be wise to follow. Not everyone is as well versed as you but dammit, take a little responsibility for your own safety

Safety in numbers...only if those numbers know what to do and have situational awareness, otherwise those numbers may go on an after action report.

It's not difficult to find a little information about what to do and when and it costs nothing, some time really. Little things are what matters, and taking action; inactivity is one of the reasons people run into trouble, and I'm not talking about running into gunfire action; evasive action or simple reacting to sounds, the ebb and flow of the surroundings and so on...Most people stand around like stunned mullets and then...victims.

I'm glad I translated tyre for you, I'd not want to leave you guessing.