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RE: Deleted effort

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

So many people smash out their posts and end up publishing shoddy work simply because they were in too much of a hurry. I think and type fast so it doesn't take long to write posts, but proofing them takes time and sometimes I'll do so a couple times. On big posts, fiction writing, sometimes I let them cool for 24 hours before coming back and editing/proofing again.

I like to get them right first time but I don't always do that, we're all human.

I guess people should slow down a little, take more time to craft their post rather than smash it the fuck out as quickly as possible. It's a good idea to try and work ahead too, have a few posts sitting in drafts. It takes the pressure off.


On big posts, fiction writing, sometimes I let them cool for 24 hours

Man, fiction is a tough one for me. When I got it I just got it, I turn into a pro, but most of the time I just can't haha.

but I don't always do that, we're all human.

Yes sirr! There are very few posts that I got right the first time; yet, I will still go to the edit tab and hover around.

It's a good idea to try and work ahead too, have a few posts sitting in drafts.

This always brings out proper quality. But for me, nowadays even if I don't have my posts in the draft section, I still have something set up on my mind 2 to 3 days prior. That helps too.

There's many different ways to do things and sometimes what works for one will not work for others; it's important to know what will work for the individual and to do that, play to one's strengths.

it's important to know what will work for the individual and to do that, play to one's strengths.

That's the key, not just for writing and blogging, I believe it's the key to anything and everything in life.

Agreed, and it doesn't hurt to build on those strengths too, gain new ones, and develop the existing ones.

That's surely the way!


I knew he'd concur. 🤣

He's always ready with that legendary nod. 😂