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RE: The road to forward finances

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

It's a great system and whether it's envelopes or rubber bands with post-its the result is the same - control and responsibility.

I like your percentage thing, which turns the money into an item. I guess a more overarching method than the envelopes. I like the specific nature of the envelopes though, it turns the money into a thing if only a word on the front if the envelope. That way, I can open the safe, flick through the envelopes and see: Tyres, Landcruiser service, Europe, Sig Sauer (a gun), gold or silver, and so on. It becomes that thing, in my mind. The same as post-its I guess. That visual aspect helps the process along.

Dividing up the expense to fortnightly or monthly (whatever the pay cycle is) is important though.

Just on the stacking. It's a way to hold cash and I've been doing it for a while. I started with silver and a small bit of gold and have a savings plan, a strategy, to have the money for it so I buy regularly. It's nice to have it in the safe, I feel like a pirate, and the ability to take it and cash out is comforting. One day I'll use it I guess, or it'll all go to my niece and nephew, but for's nice to know it's there and a hobby that will increase in value.


Well I would say that these are excellent hobbies eh eh!

I think I'll start it soon too, then I really like this pirate thing... I've always felt like it!🤟