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RE: The road to forward finances

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago (edited)

There's many ways to do it, but as long as one is doing it then there's a solid and viable way forward.

What I get with you, is that you know what you spend (your outgoings) as you said you make more than you need, and that you save the rest. A solid strategy. Also the six-month reserve is a great idea as it brings a level of comfort, less stress, and that's a good thing.

Now...maybe we'll hear about that six year adventure at some stage...hmm? 😁 Only if you want to...I'm not trying to pry...much.


Ohhhhh the stories ! Some I will never admit too as long as I have control of myself. What I tell after that I hope will be written off as nonsense told by a crazy person, because certainly THAT canNOT be the truth !


Haha, well I'd thought as much! You can't blame me for pushing the issue though right? My suspicions are confirmed and now I'm even more curious.