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RE: Interest irresponsibility

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

It's smart to find ways to save money, or redivert it to where it will work most effectively. Sometimes that's pizza.

Living within one's means is something many people don't know how to do, or simply don't want to. With the ease at which a person can get credit these days it's not surprising, but, then again, it's easy to find a bridge and jump off it, but I don't see people rushing out to do so. Just because its there it doesn't mean a person has to use it I guess.


It's even easier to find a rubber duck and a toaster. :)

Living below one's means is probably the better approach, but those means are a constantly advancing line chart, fuelled by money printers being refilled by perpetual ink.

Kick the can down the road, run out of road, then build more road; or redefine the definition of road, and keep going.

Indeed, life is complicated by many things and it can be difficult to see the right path; and the right one is different for all I guess. Personally, I'm looking for experiences, happiness, enjoyment, fulfilment and such things. They come in various ways and I always focus on ensuring they're me-oriented. I mean here, I'm not influenced by the media etc. That way there, the road ahead is more of my design and creation.

Almost sounds like a slogan of some sort I've read on HIVE before. :D