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RE: Interest irresponsibility

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago (edited)

I understand banks are partly responsible and agree that they should be taking some responsibility for what they do, the bait advertising and too good to be true deals...But humankind has endured due to the ability to think for themselves and I believe people need to take on the responsibility (and ownership) for their own actions.

Very recently on hive there was a disgusting pig who doxxed another user because they dared her to. She did it. I just wish someone dared her to jump off a very high cliff.

My point? Banks don't hold guns to people's head and force them to get and use credit cards. People make their own decisions, or should. Blindly jumping off cliffs because someone dared you to? Hmm, seems fucken bonkers.

I think that some education by the parent will go a long way, however that only works if the parent knows how, and with what, to educate the kids right?


Yeah, I do agree. Part of me always wants to help people so that influences me sometimes. Typical bleeding heart, eh? But yeah people do need to have more responsibility.

Yeah, and you are absolutely right about parental education only works if the parents themselves are educated on what they are teaching. Unfortunately probably a lot of irresponsible credit users learned it from their folks.

I understand man, many call me too hard, firm, brutal and stuff like that...but I'm not really. I apply ownership, responsibility and discipline to my life so don't see why others can't do the same. You know? It's difficult sometimes, but that's how life is. I'm not one to always seek the easy option because often achieving great results means doing difficult things.