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RE: I missed it and it's Guy Fawke's fault

in Galenkp's Stuff10 months ago

I'm pretty good with dates usually, I've got a good memory, but it's the birthday thing that gets in the way because I don't put a lot of importance on my own; I guess I block it out to some degree, generally.

Most people don't make a fuss about it including the person whose birthday it was as mentioned in this post and sometimes I wonder if they're just doing that to be nice. Either way, it's not caused me too many issues over the years.

It's good to hear you remember the important dates. ✅


Well I don't think most will actually make a fuss over not remembering the day, or at least I haven't came across any of my friends that "disown" me for not remembering their birthday 😅

Some people are nutbags and make an issue our of it; I don't think disown was what I was thinking, but some get annoyed and hold on to that for way too long. Those that have done so with me...well, I forgot them altogether because they proved themselves to be idiots.

Well in that case, it is the other way round where you disown them instead! 😅

Better that way, free yourself from the trouble of remembering them in the future!