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RE: The war

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago

He's a good lad, someone I respect a lot; he's one of the few people on Hive who has my actual phone number. He's a great writer and I think would be a funny fucker in real life for sure.

I love Boomy and Galenkp's slang even though I often don't understand it all

@meesterboom and I chat off the blockchain so some of the things we say are references to that and so no one would probably get the connections but that's ok...feel free to join in any time...apologies for any bad language you may read from time to time...we swear...can't help it. Lol.

I've been relaxing mostly, although for the next few days have some stuff going on in my house, some renovations to kitchen, the two bathrooms and the's fucken chaos here! Lol.


For now I feel a bit shy to join the hieroglyphic of your chats...😂...I'm going to be watching you guys for a while longer to understand you better...lest I make a fool of myself talking about what I'm not....😅
But don't worry, the truth is that just reading your profanity-adorned conversation threads I laugh a lot, and you guys can't see the tide of colors running through my face.... they are pure bad boy conversations!

As for chaos, it is necessary and wonderful for to transform ours worlds.Long live chaos.

Over and out my general, have an excellent Thursday...😅

watching you guys for a while longer to understand you better

Good luck, I'm not sure our brand of nutbaggery is understandable but hopefully you can manage it. 😁

Have a nice night, I'll catch you later on.

😂😂 I nokw, I nokw...
