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RE: The best thing about coffee is...

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago (edited)

I had two today, one was instant and one was a pretty legit one at a café when I was writing a post. The morning one was nice (I mean the moment) as I was eating breakfast, something very healthy, and watching one of the Jason Bourne films. A relaxing morning. The other was good because it helped the post get written...which was about coffee, sort of.

Nah, those biscuits in the image did not get eaten, not by me anyway. Dying isn't high on my list of priorities so I do the things required to avoid it and that meant no biscuit eating on this occasion. However also keep in mind the cup in this image is a tiny espresso one so had I eaten those biscuits it would have been ok, they're tiny.


I would probably not be a very good version of myself without coffee. Been good though, less milky coffee and far less sugar too. No biscuits for me either 😩

That certainly does sound like a nice way to spend the morning! Gosh, I haven't watched a Bourne film in ages, how many are there now?

I would probably not be a very good version of myself without coffee.

I think you'd be totally fine without coffee, like everyone else would also.

I haven't watched a Bourne film in ages, how many are there now?

No idea. More than one and less than the Fast and Furious movies...which is up to three hundred and ninety seven.

🤣 well if SHTF and coffee is not around anymore, the beserker in me might prove you wrong.

Lol I don't even know why they continue making those Fast and Furious. I lost interest after the first one.

I see your beserker and raise you my beserker.

I think we should join forces. Surely two beserkers are better than one?

Three is better...or three hundred.