Quick comment concept [QCC10] - 15,000 Ecency points being given away

in Galenkp's Stufflast year (edited)
Countdown terminated on Mar 11, 2024, 9:18 AM

This is the tenth instalment of the #QCC concept - you can win stuff for a simple comment.

There's 15,000 Ecency points and some chunky comment-votes on offer. It's designed around a quick comment, but could be a good opportunity for you to open some relationships with others by engaging with them on their comment.


𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒚

  • Post a single photo you took yourself (or someone took of you) in the comments and explain it in no more than fifty (50). You only have twenty four (24) hours to get your comment in - if you use the Peakd front end there is a countdown timer on this post. ▶️ The photo must be your own - No stock images!

Three comments will win 5,000 Ecency points each, transferred to you by me

EDIT: Winners are @tinabrezpike, @graat and @iaiman



  • I'll transfer five thousand (5,000) Ecency points to three of the comments and vote some others with larger than usual comment-votes than I would usually - but your comment has to meet the criteria above. (I will ask a few of my buddies to throw some votes in too.)

Note: If your comment and image is interesting it is more likely to get my attention for votes and Ecency points. Be creative and put in a little effort you'll have more chance of getting rewarded.

I will never ask anyone to reblog my posts but considering I'm giving away free stuff you may know someone who could use it, a new user perhaps. So if you feel like letting them know so they have a chance at free stuff for just for a comment please do so - It may also provide them some much-needed exposure.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free.]
The image is my own.

Countdown terminated on Mar 11, 2024, 9:18 AM

The beauty of a farmer. I think this photo is really beautiful to me because the effort I put into helping my family have a significantly improved meal even though these foods can be bought at the store, I still feel the joy. Be happy in the words of your loved ones

Back to the basics.... Looks fun!

Thank you for your compliment

I like that smile that says: job well done. Best regards to the family

I was really happy because I could help my family a lot


Sorry to reply so late, horrible day, Nothing an ounce of chocolate can't fix. And, I think you have some samples waiting for you at the Lindt factory. A hug

Now there's a happy looking fisherman!

a semi-professional fisherman. I still prefer being a farmer

That's really great. Appreciated

Thank you for rating it

Indeed, thats great. Helping your family is the best way for them to be happy.

Caught this kid climbing up the windows bars. At least she was smart enough to get her bicycle helmet in case she fell off. Lol

Haha, gold! The great escape, caught in the act.

Lols the threat that does not materialise! She is sick again today and all I hear is mommy I want to be close to you. Obvs not sick enough to talk non stop! 😂

I was fake sick a few times in a bid to avoid school, somehow my mum always knew - my bad acting I presume.

Lol, we know, we always know. I caught this kid out one too many times. She doesn't like it and sticks to her story. Gotta give her props for that. Lol

Lol, one must stick to the story, for continuities sake, even though it's not going to lead anywhere.

Hhahhahaha it's about the principle!

Crikey, that's heart in the mouth material!

LOLs she knows how to test the boundaries!

Test them to the max!!!

Yesterday ,I won the first position in the race. When my name was called to receive the trophy, I couldn't believe it because there were 2 to 3 women with me who crossed the finish line and I thought I would come second and third but I was first. 🥳🥰

Photo finish 🙂
Congrats 👏

Thank you 😊

Cool, what sort of race was it?

It was held in my university (200m race).

Ok, I assume it was running.

That is quite the trophy!

Yes, thank you 😊

Congratulations on that

Thank you 😊

congratulations 🤝🏿

Well done, congratulations.

Thank you 😊

Run like the wind....


Great!!! beautiful award and congratulations!😃

Thank you 😊

Wow, congratulations on winning the first place. This is a great achievement for you.

Yes it was the great achievement for me
Thank you 😊

January 2014 Another World?

Dogs run free on beach, currently contamination, disease, crime. Where did anger originate, people of course, as do laws.

Jodi and Rex Rhodesian Ridgebacks ten years ago. Memories of yesterday... Reflections; live today, tomorrow big unknown.

Dogs always seem to have a good time at the beach huh?

Always, only one that has lost out is poor Woody... Makes me angry/sad!

Dogs love the beach and having a good time!😃

Being off leash means so much more to the animal.

A great freedom!

Dogs and water, one of natures laws!

Humans too....

Two dogs eagerly chase after another dog, who dashes like crazy with stick in his mouth. He triumphantly wins the race, looking proud at the end.



Oh wow, thank you so much for choosing me ☺️I'm visiting those doggies tomorrow and bringing them a new stick. They are the true winners! 😊😊

You're welcome, I'm a man of my word and it's a pleasure to hand out a chunk of something to a few people. Have a good week.

It's not easy to find folks who stick to their word, but we're lucky to have the Hive community :) wishing you a nice week too ;)

I love how dogs can make up some fun so easily.

at the end other two dogs also proudly claimed their own sticks as prizes for participating in this race 😂

I think they considered the stick as some kind of bone. Haha

pretty big bone 😂

There are those who have clear priorities in life

That’s life 😂

Lots of fun, that's nice!😃

especially at the beginning when you throw a stick and scream like crazy run doggy ruuun 😂

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's the best!

This picture is so cute. They're chasing with each other

Thank u ☺️ yeah the chase was exhausting, half an hour later all 3 already slept 😂

That was so cute and funny, dogs.

It's better for dogs to chase each other, than their own tail. 😂

Intent on having fun, looks awesome!

Not only for dogs, but also for me was fun 😂

Always have a good romp!

Yes 😂

Winning streak, congrats for sticks and furry friends enjoying life!

Thank u ☺️

Great shot 🙂
I only hope that there was no narrow gate on the way for that dog with the pole in his mouth that he had to pass through... I can already imagine the scene of him trying to tilt his head and go on with his prey 😀

Oo no, this dog doesn't tilt his head, he tried to come through the door without tilting his head.I noticed that too 😂 it was hilarious! I laughed so hard, there wasn't even time to grab my phone to record a video. 😂 His owner was quick, or door in park wouldn't have lasted 😂

There are such videos on the Internet 🤣

Yeeees 😂 and you think they are so smart, but sometimes they need to show their crazy part 😂 or stupid, I'm not sure which word should I use 😂

Photo from a couple of days ago. Europe invests in rural areas, says the board.
I don't know what Atos thinks about that. Maybe he thought it was important to flag it up?

jop, he left a mark to let other dogs know that this spot is already claimed. He is now the king of this botanical sign 😂

Staked his claim indeed.

Yes, but only until the next dog arrives. 😎

Lol, the doggo doesn't think much of the sign. 😁

I stopped to shoot the board for something else, but he took the opportunity 😂

One must take advantage when opportunities present themselves. Smart dog.

He gave the poster the go-ahead🤣

Approved. 😜


Atos has the right idea, next they won't let him in at all.....

Who knows, maybe next time he'll leave something worse and I'll have to use a bag 😂

Good dump may get the message across....


India real estate growth. In 10 years, the barren land turns into a skyscrapers with many residential and commercial complex around. I remember, visting this place in 2012 for investment purpose, but looking at the empty lands with complete isolation, no roads, no conveyance, all farming areas and dusty places. I switched my mind. And today's a single flat or shop in this area is worth more than a million.

Sadly we seeing development sprout up everywhere with no thought given to take care of the land and animals. Another brick, mortar, metal, glass monstrosity going up then complain about flooding?

That I read about concrete jungle, now I can see them in front of eye..it is insane how people required so many flats and shops to live in....there is one more thing...I noticed..there were 4 big shopping malls in my area earlier those used to be over crowded but now I see hardly any crowd and most of the shops were either closed or completelly empty.

All small business is disappearing here, buildings go up yet many stand empty in the massive malls or business parks, close in proximity. Natural green space disappears for tarmac!

Proper housing is urgently required with a garden, most flats become problematic, crammed space high crime, people simply don't enjoy living on top of each other.

They call it progress, I call it covering te planet with concrete sonut can't breathe properly.

That is the bitter truth. What used to be a farming land, is now more of a concrete jungle....in just 10 years....I made it to the place this morning and found it completelly a new world. Malls, shops, building, and above all traffic...

The progress of humanity occurs at the expense of the planet.

And we are not preparing for the worse.

Yep, we're just adding to the problems that accelerate the journey towards what's to come.

So true ..

I love to see progress and that building is super!!!!😉

Progress in what sense...?? Modernization at the expense of planet ??

Few take the planet into account, they don't care. And it's the only one we have .... I think.

Yes..and such progres that affect the humanity in longer is pure danger.

Where will humanity go.... dangerous question.

Being a witch find the answer...u got a good head on shoulder....

It's progress like this which helps to destroy the planet...think about how we cover more and more ground with concrete, divert water courses, allow rubbish and detritus to flow out to sea...all so someone can build a high rise building to house the ever-expanding population that takes more and more from the planet's dwindling resources. It can't continue without serious implications.

It is true, here there was a big complaint from the farmers, because they have allowed swamps to dry up and they say that there is no water when in reality... they do something else with it. They pollute the air with chemicals, they affect nature and health.

There are days when I have hope and others... I say where is all this going... the human being is a big virus.

The truth, it seems unbelievable

That true...but it is the true fact..

Copenhagen airport July 2020. It took me 14 hours to arrive from Madrid. I had a stopover in Frankfurt and Vienna before arriving. And from Barajas (Spain) to Copenhagen, it was the same, closed stores and empty airports. Regards

It's odd to see airport stores closed huh?

Only the zombies were missing 🧟😂.

How odd that they were closed..... human things🤣

14 the end_.jpg

Me in rubber boots yesterday, after finishing the work, I have planted some onion so we have later this year some green organic onion. Is a dirty but rewarding job :D

Getting hands into the soil such a cleansing feeling, walk barefoot easy to wash feet than clean off boots !LOLZ

Why did the parents not like their son’s biology teacher?
He had skeletons in his closet.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart



@pixaroma, I sent you an

Gardening is awesome, I love it - so rewarding.

Sunrise in rural eastern Portugal, a few minutes before driving back home last December. The blue sky with the yellow/red sun rising and the green field just got me stuck for a few minutes contemplating the beauty of nature while the sun was coming up.

Sunrise and sunsets are often so beautiful, favourite times of the day for me.

Refreshing greeting a new day dawning!

This picture was taking after my first cooking competition where I took second position. Before then, no one believed I could cook, at least not to the extent of winning. Luckily for some of my friends, I gave out almost all my prices to them except the school bag.

A decent haul of prizes, well done!

Indeed it was. Thank you


Wow, thank you so much. I am very grateful for this.
Much appreciated ☺️

Congrats on cooking your way to a win!

appreciated ☺️

You're welcome.

A glass of wine and interesting lighting of the bar with live music - the right scenario for "recharging batteries" and improving mood for the week ahead.
The occasion of last night's party - celebration of Women's Day.


A fine thing to celebrate!

Women and wine, a decent combination.

Add a delicious meal and a great band, a perfect evening 🙂

Setting near the beach is one of my favorite pastimes. It made me realize that life is still wonderful. Though we are bombarded with different challenges, this for sure shall pass. Just like the sun, slowly fades, reminds us that there will be better days coming to light our path.

The beach is a soothing place and a nice location in which to reflect and recharge.

Yes, indeed. Time spent on the beach is priceless.

Yesterday i had a chance to visit Khanpur dam located in Islamabad Pakistan. A beautiful place indeed. I decided to get captured in an aesthetic way. The whole beautiful view and me standing in this position (just wow). What do you say? Time to change my hive profile pic? 😉

That is genuinely a profile pic!

Yep. I will place this one soon

Legit view!

Thanks ✨

I like it as profile picture

Oh yeah 😜, you will see it soon on my profile.

Beautiful photo for the profile, I love the view!😍

The view is indeed worth loving

Nature is the best of all!

Yep. No doubt


Oh! I suggest you change your profile pic. This one is a great photo of yours.

I know a guy who knows a guy who got a license to grow coral. We visited the coral farm and every tank was mesmerising. The insane colours, intricate textures and intriguing patterns were captivating.

Pretty colours...I've dived on the Great Barrier Reef...amazing colours down there too.

These corals are from the barrier reef- it definitely deserves its place as a wonder of the world.

Oh! This is a very interesting photo. I've never seen such colorful corals beneath the sea. I ain't into diving, maybe that answer.

Yes these came from a remote location on the Great Barrier Reef. Few people are lucky enough to see these.

Last week,I got to spend time with my elementary friends with the busy schedules and works at school we haven't seen each other for a month .Last Sunday was a blast we have so much fun accompanying each other we have our little walk,we talk,we laughed,it was a memorable day that should be Cherish.☺️❤️

It sounds like a good day for sure.

Indeed it is, it's so nice to have friends like them😍😅

Time spent with friends is truly amazing. I can feel that

Yes it is😅

Here's me with one of my guy's motor bikes - V-Twin something or other, don't ask me what exactly. I loved going for rides with him...until he deemed it too unsafe. We were only talking about it today - I miss it.


😅 Yamahahahahaha!

Motorcycles are very unsafe. He's just looking out for you.

I agree, they are very unsafe which is why I worry every time he's out on the bike, and understand why he doesn't like me getting on the back. It's a lot of fun though and we had such great times riding around; it's a very liberating feeling.

Becca 🌷

You look beautiful!!! the bike too but you even more so!!!❤️

Thank you, I appreciate it. I really miss going for rides but it makes sense that he won't let me on the back anymore with so many bad drivers out there, people spending more time looking at their phones than paying attention to the road.

Becca 🌷

And he's right, it's happening everywhere, even for me walking around it can be dangerous, those people don't look at anything!

Hugs Becca.❤️

Legit! 🤐😉

Yes, it's a lovely bike. 😉

Becca 🌷

I remember when I gave birth to my daughter she was chubby while I the Mom looked slim, I had alot of questions from people if truly am the mother of this amazing little baby, and I replied that she is mine and on their faces was a doubtful look

Cute little girl! Thanks for joining in.

Thank you.Am grateful.

Standing in the middle of green grassland, a dry and xeric tree is passing through its hard time. The tree has recently suffered a severe cold atmosphere but has not lost its hope for spring. Tree which has suffered evanescence but didn't bow down. The tree which is something more than a tree but an incarnate of withstanding and resilience, guiding all of us to not lose hope if odd time strikes you. The tree who is welcoming spring with many arms open. Hail to it for standing erect

Nature has a way of enduring.

A great photo. The countryside is the basis of life. Regards

What a beautiful view, I love it!😍


Panoramic view of the city Malaga from the Paseo de Levante and the maritime club near part of the harbour. Fascinating clouds and the calm sea, a landscape that gives a lot of peace and energy. A nice place for a nice walk in the open air and to reflect.

There's something about the ocean that always appeals! It's soothing.

Yes it is and I'm in the middle of it! On an open road to get to a part of the harbour, it's wonderful!😍

Open roads on the way to the ocean...a nice place to be.

Very much so! I like to walk around even if it's windy!🤣

A lot of peace hidden in the place. Looks so beautiful

Thank you very much! I love nature!!😍

A beautiful place to stop and let yourself go. Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday!😃

Walking along shoreline always invigorating for body and mind!

It is a beautiful place and you get beautiful views. Thank you very much.


Took this photo while enjoying one of the final sunsets of 2023 during my vacation in Bali! Was a relaxing trip to end off the year and will definitely return again!

Decent sunset. Seems like it was a memorable trip.

Yup it was! :)


Arriving with my son by boat to a beautiful beach called "Las Maritas", It is located in "Mochima National Park" in Venezuela, which means land of many seas, we had a wonderful time in family, we enjoyed the sun, the sand and the warm and crystal water. A Tropical Paradise.

Las Maritas looks amazing, somewhere I'd like to see for myself. Thanks for sharing.

It is a great beach, you will love it!

The beautiful color of the sea and the sand must be as soft as a carpet?

Yes this amazing beach is a Paradise 🏖️😎

These are three drinks from the same brand: Polar.
One is a sweet and refreshing malt based, the other is light beer, and the last one is beer, but the flavor is stronger.

The latter wasn't mine due I got drunk once with that beer and ended up hating it.

Venezuelan beers?

One is malt, sweet and tasty. The other two are beers. Venezuelan beers

I think we can buy Polar beer here in Australia, I've seen it somewhere.

Really. That's nice. Personally, I like light beer. Remember that one day after jogging for 15min with my besties, they took me to the liquor store, and he bought us dark beer. We drank 5 each, but these beers were big bottles, and when the liquor store was about to close, we headed to our respective homes. I walked for over 30 min, and when I got home, I just took a bath, grabbed a bucket, and went to sleep. An hour later, I was throwing all of my being up in the bucket. That was the last time I drank dark beer.


I had wanted to make 3 noodles and probably fry 2 eggs. Then I over heard my neighbor screaming over the phone of how a carton of noodles has now doubled in price. I just respectfully returned one pack of noodles and dropped off one egg. Trying times 😂

Wave Media

Times are tough.

Indeed it is and we can’t be eating anyhow lol 😆

Tough call, everyone tightening their belt of late!

That’s the only way not to end up begging for alms 😂

Go halves better than nothing, better than begging! 🫣

Most definitely 😂😅🤝🏿. At this time contentment will play out the most

This is a seepage pit. A seepage pit is used for channeling sewages, wastewater and other toilet wastes into the ground. It is in various forms. This is the round dip well type. It's still in the making. Concrete will be used to cover and plaster the outer surface.

One wouldn't want to fall into that hole huh?


Hi @galenkp 🙂


This is the historic center of my favorite city in the state where I am currently living, it is the capital, and I love it. Its colonial architecture, its pedestrian areas, its beautiful cafes and restaurants where you can sit and chat and spend the afternoon. The city of La Asunción on Margarita Island is magical

I love the way architecture can invoke many feelings and make a place more appealing.

Yes, it is really very beautiful. Thank you for your comment and support

These are the properties of my rabbit farm. They are the drinkers and feeders used in rearing domestic rabbits. There are several types of them. These ones are made of concrete. I and other rabbit breeders prefer using these concrete drinkers and feeders because they are more durable.

Lucky rabbits!


This is me and my mum meeting after many years — she was weary and wasn't the agile woman I knew as a child. Her eyes brimmed with tears when she saw me so she bought this outfit as a symbol of unity and love.

It was a beautiful moment!

Matching shirts!

It's a newly built house. Cement costs about eight thousand naira in Nigeria presently. Hiring labour for building project is not cheap. That some people could still have enough money to buy plots of land and erect buildings proves that we can thrive even in this harsh economy.

I understand you. Here, the only way to afford masons is to be one. Fortunately, my stepdad is a mason and he's building our house. That's pretty great.

Humans have a way of pushing forward through adversity.

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I accepted Hive as a platform to share thoughts, beliefs, and find positivity. I love Hive, not just for the rewards, but for how it has influenced my life. This is my first hive t-shirt from Ladies of Hive community. I'm yet to post it officially.
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I am so glad to be among the winners, thank you so much.

No worries.