Greetings galenkp I feel very identified with your post I have made many mistakes either by my ignorance or by being so absent-minded sometimes I get to do several things at home and I forget, but all those mistakes have helped me learn a little of the platform and if it is as you say for trying to do things quickly go wrong.
There's a difference between making a mistake, owning it, finding a way to rectify or learn from it and moving on...and making a mistake and letting it sit there through ignorance or through being too prideful to make the changes to fix it. In all the mistakes you have made, that I have seen, you have been quick to acknowledge and rectify them as well as apologize. It speaks highly of your character, so keep it up. ✅
Thank you very much for your words, they motivate me even though I have many things to learn, I wish you the best and may God continue to bless you.
You're very welcome,. Keep doing what you do and being who you are; you're doing well. 😊