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RE: Find a match

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

You know it goes with engagement in all aspects. Hive only works for you if you engage and put a part of yourself into it at least. It's the same with relationships whatever they may be called - you can't have a one sided friendship as it simply won't last.

I've come across people on Hive that at first I thought I liked and connected with but later on they kind of fizzled out and perhaps further down the line we will reconnect, but for me, there's really no real pressure. When I get the time on Hive I like to expand and find people that are not necessarily the same as me, but that are intriguing and interesting.

All relationships have moving parts and I don't think you can really get to know someone on Hive alone as you have no idea just how accurate the information they are putting out about themselves is, so you have to take it at face value with a grain of salt. At the end of the day the engagement here is still so much more authentic than other social media, I feel that you have a far greater opportunity to get to know someone better here.

I follow a small number of people and I'm perfectly happy with that as keeping the circle smaller tends to be better for rapport building.

Sorry if this comment seems jumbled, I'm really quite tired today.


It's the same with relationships whatever they may be called - you can't have a one sided friendship as it simply won't last.

I end these with brutal efficiency. A relationship/friendship has to be a two-way thing. If not, then it doesn't qualify to be called a relationship/friendship.

When I get the time on Hive I like to expand and find people that are not necessarily the same as me, but that are intriguing and interesting.

This seems like a feasible way to go; intriguing and interesting beats inane and boring.

no idea just how accurate the information they are putting out about themselves is, so you have to take it at face value with a grain of salt

Indeed, they could be fabricating...or on the flipside, just withholding. I know for sure that I don't say everything on here. The thing is that people fill in the blanks any way they like, right or wrong, and then that perception becomes their reality.

Sorry if this comment seems jumbled, I'm really quite tired today.

Here's some unsolicited advice: Go get some sleep. 😁

I've been doing the same, I've cut down a lot of friendships that simply weren't worth the effort because I was the only one putting in said effort.

I think that it could be fun to fabricate and entire profile but then aren't you just fooling yourself as much as the next person? I don't know, I think I'm a bit too straight cut to try that. It probably would be a lot of work to keep up that kind of façade although I think people do a lot of that in real life so maybe I'm just the weirdo here.

Lol, indeed an extra couple hours would be so fucking nice.

I've cut down a lot of friendships that simply weren't worth the effort because I was the only one putting in said effort.

It can be problematic as sometimes one misses the person, but I guess if the friendship was so one-sided in the first place how much of a friendship was it really?

I think that it could be fun to fabricate and entire profile but then aren't you just fooling yourself as much as the next person?

Hmm, I don't know if it's fooling oneself. I guess it depends on the situation. Imagine, if you will, someone having a profile and presenting it to everyone as a real person with thoughts, events and stories attached, but in actual fact it's all fiction. I'm not sure it's fooling oneself...possibly it's just fictional writing. Don't authors do that all the time with characters? If, however, that profile was made and used for nefarious purposes, like to scam or troll people, then I'd say it was wrong.

Yes you're right there, authors do that all the time and even take on pseudonym names, some even leave it a complete mystery right up until they die or beyond, so as long as there's no harm in doing it then I say all good.

Some friendships can sustain long periods with no contact and can pick up where they left off, others can't. I think it depends on the people and the nature of the friendship. I have friends that I don't see for years but am filled with joy and love every time I do see them and I doubt that will ever change while other people I will try to stay in contact with and they just don't want to reciprocate so I stop bothering.

Long periods of no contact are different to contact going one way and never the other. It's that lack of reciprocal contact that ends a friendship rapidly for me.