I never like to rush that first cup. I may take it on the run, but, I can assure you, I am in reverse when I am sipping it. It is almost like a high, those first few sips. It is the company, which sometimes is only myself. Even then, I am at peace with the moment.
My best friend got transferred after working together for years, in the same locations here and in Europe...In a matter of months, she was moved and now, our favorite cafe just isn't the same for me. Although we loved the cafe, it is truly the people that make it special. The coffee is special as a standalone.
I love a good cafe and the experience of drinking coffee. I love a nice glass of wine now and then... But it doesn't give me the same feeling of bliss that coffee does.
Late for the party.
You're never late, you're just perfectly on time in respect of your own schedule.
On the run coffee happens too, for sure, and I do it a lot. But there's nothing like that sit-down version spent with someone of value, or in a place (nature) of value. Ok, on the Champs-Élysées or in some little piazza in Italy is good too.
Wine, coffee, tea (Devonshire tea)...it doesn't matter...all is made better by having the right person there.