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RE: Find a match

in Galenkp's Stuff2 years ago

Relationships. I believe there are people that do come on Hive for friendship - of some kind.

I have been fascinated by the connections made, friendships forged, and meetups created. I have to admit, I have traveled to many places in our world, and yet, that instant connection when I sit at my computer (or phone) is still amazing to me, don't ever lose the excitement of that. It is interesting to read/see day-to-day life in places I haven't been to.

The war in Ukraine has been different than any war most have seen in their lifetime. I can connect with people still living as they are being bombed, it suddenly becomes very personal. It is not just some faceless person the news talks about. You know these people and speak or write to them. It changes how we look at things.

I became friends with Dan, @bluemoon in Romania. I have been to Romania before I met him, so I have never met him, and yet, he fascinates me. With different walks of life, he grew up with Communism and so, he has seen a life I have never truly experienced. I have been to countries that were communist, but, living it and visiting are two different things. We have found through many years of knowing each other, common ground and an interesting friendship. I enjoy interacting with him and am glad to count him as one of my friends here. If we met each other on the street, would we have become friends? I cannot answer that, but, here, you have time to get to know a person, without all the social restrictions that may apply.

I am free to roam the world.

That is certainly an interesting post, Galen. I love Hive for this little piece of the world it has given me. So many wonderful people and personalities.


Thanks for your valid and well-thought-out comment. (Not that your comments are ever not that.) I can't disagree with your thoughts on this matter, and yes I think people come here for friendship, some anyway.

If we met each other on the street, would we have become friends? I cannot answer that, but, here, you have time to get to know a person, without all the social restrictions that may apply.

I liked this bit a lot. I guess I was trying to allude to this scenario when I was describing myself above, I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I wonder if those I engage with here, or who secretly have thoughts and opinions on/of me, would even bother to speak with me on the street, let alone get to know me. We'll never know I guess.

That is certainly an interesting post, Galen. I love Hive for this little piece of the world it has given me. So many wonderful people and personalities.

Thank you, I appreciate that. I also feel Hive has value far greater than the actual token; to you for sure and also to me Swigles. Can a price be put on friendship and connection? probably not.

can a price be put on friendship and connection?

You know my answer to that. It's never about the money for me, it never could be. Some things in life are priceless.

Exactly what I knew you'd say. I agree.

I became friends with Dan, @bluemoon in Romania. I have been to Romania before I met him, so I have never met him, and yet, he fascinates me

I love the way this and light...that is the way it should be...When you see what fascinates you, be bold to go for it...I am happy that you have met someone you connected with....