I think if the covid nonsense proved one thing it was that many of us, including myself, waste our lives doing makey-up jobs that make no difference to anyone. When the world stopped travelling my business was destroyed and I decided to retire. I'd recommend it to everyone. Get out as soon as you possibly can!
Indeed, it had that impact. Of. Kurze, people like you and I have put in a lifetime of effort to be in the position we are in so it's different for much younger people. In fact, possibly impossible for many of them down the track as they live their lives on credit without a thought towards what might happen in their futures. Oh well, their problem.
I've worked hard (and smart) to get to where I am and while I enjoyed a very nice life along the way I'll also be enjoying the fruits of that labour and it's been nice to get to planning it out on paper (
ExcelLibreOffice), enjoyable knowing what's to come.