Hi mate, as an ex-pat I have found the Australian system of superannuation to be very generous, and easy to get ahead with not much effort. Makes sense that the government pensions will be a thing of the past, all the incentives to become self funded are there.
It's always been pretty fair I think and when compared with other countries quite generous as well especially when the benefits and subsidies retirees enjoy are considered; still, in a country where the cost of living is skyrocketing it's not enough; many pensioners live a very base existence. Being self-funded will be a thing of the past (for most) if people don't start to think about it (and act). It's a big problem that every one has within their power to mitigate.
Yup, a bit like hive, keep powering up and watch your stake and earning compound.
Exactly! It makes sense to me but (seemingly) not to very many others.