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RE: Interest irresponsibility

I don't think we blame banks enough. Their gambling addiction is what got us the economic meltdown back in 2007-2008 and again with the recent meltdown of those banks the feds took over here. They take our money, gamble with it and give us a pittance for it and if something goes wrong start screaming 'bailout!' at the top of their lungs.

I've never gotten into credit card debt because nobody has been willing to give me a credit card. Didn't want one for the longest time and then when I did they wouldn't give me one because I didn't have any credit. It's worked out though, I don't buy anything until I know I can afford it and then don't have to worry about it any after I do buy it.

My little brother on the other hand has not been so, um, fortunate. Back in 2017 he bought about 50k USD of crypto on credit cards, which turned into about 300k when everything went moon in December of that year. Told him to sell enough to at least be able to cover debts but he never quite got around to it before the crash hit, ended up having to file for bankruptcy.


I agree, banks need to accept some blame; they're businesses designed to make money and they prey on people mercilessly. But I also believe people have the ability to show more restraint, make better decisions and choices. It's a broad issue.

I'm like you and don't have credit issues, mainly through discipline and an understanding of the ultimate cost of credit debt. I'm fortunate.

I feel sorry for your brother though, that was bad luck and possibly lack of attention also. It's a shame, I don't like hearing bankruptcy stories like this. It happens though, often; one can only hope lessons are learned.