THANK YOU for addressing this! I have been thinking the same. If it's worth the effort then, apart from an occasional genuine accident, why delete? And regularly. I have posts that have been in various stages of writing and editing - and re- re- re- editing for months. No joke. Months. Some never see the green light. I have edited a few times but never deleted. It is disappointing putting so much thought and effort in too and then the comments show a total lack of interest. Or even effort to read. Why bother then? Sorry this is one of my rare comments at the moment. My head is spinning we're so busy this side and I would love to write a post with limited time I'd rather check in on all the other busy bees
It's been on my mind and because someone did this exact thing in one of my communities day earlier I decided to post about it. Emptying a post of everything except a single word to fix it is bonkers right? I downvote them when I see them, and sometimes people get upset with me...seriously. They still want the rewards on a post that says deleted? Fucktards.
If you're busy it's understandable that you're not posting/commenting as much as you'd like. It's ok too, this is supposed to be fun, not a chore so you'll get to it when you can. Do you find you get some rewards from the writing itself, even though it sits in drafts? I do. I have things in there that may never see the blockchain.
Anyway, I hope things are well...can Instill call you Hoppy or is limpy more appropriate?
Hmmmmm....limping. It's been 3 months. I'm finally out of the airboot - although I probably shouldn't be. Healing. Just slowly. And the mumpling is over. FINALLY! What a nightmare. My goats were kidding in the midst of it with my best milking mama ripping her udder in the process. One of my horses got her leg caught in a fence - she has attitude so that's no surprise - but she injured the hock so I was literally hopping out to her to treat her daily. With all the unseasonal wierd wet weather (hello semi-desert over here) we suddenly started losing lambs to coccidiosis. So crisis management. On top of which we went all through winter with both solar and gas geysers not functioning and my husband is mostly away with his security responsiblities - which makes me a full time farmer (enough said for the moment). On top of that the wrecked car is still under insurance valuation - welcome to Africa. So hey, limping is not so big an issue
Oh man, (when I say man I mean girl), you've had a tough run, so many issues and some you can't really positively affect, the car for instance. You're capable, I know, and you know what you're doing but having all that stuff going on while you recover throws up some challenges huh? I didn't know your husband travelled away, another complication I guess, but it sounds like, despite everything, your making it all work.
I hope you're finding the right amount of time for yourself too.