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RE: I missed it and it's Guy Fawke's fault

in Galenkp's Stuff10 months ago

It certainly makes a difference, @galenkp! I apologize that my reply already comes on top of the replies you get from your next post.

Not my girlfriend...

I thought it might be but I didn't know how to spell it, I just wanted to write a friend but let it be understood that I'm referring to a female (girl).

There is a problem here with my knowledge of English and I had a lot of problems understanding but also expressing myself in relation to word "friend". In Romanian, there are separate words for a male friend and a female friend, and in English only one for both genders (if I am not mistaken). When I read... I went out with a friend for a walk... I don't know if it was a woman or a man unless it is understood in context if the narrative pre-codes that somewhere.


It must be difficult to interact with an English speaker like me but you do a good job so no worries at all.

I also write in such a way that I don't give too much information about who, what, when and how as it's the internet and one needs to be careful. People will often make it up for themselves but I try to be a little vague at times.

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that.

I think most people who write here are talking about themselves, their lives and passions, and their problems. It's easy to see that some are very vague, some even hidebound, and others choose to go deeper into exposing their lives, habits, desires, and dreams.
How is it better? The second category is to my liking, even if it is perhaps more dangerous for them. I think some assume and others don't realize the danger.

I had a busy day and forgot that today is Friday, the day you provide inspiration for posts. I'm running off to see, I'm curious. I hope this weekend will be to your liking!

Forgot Friday?

Cum ai putut să faci asta!


Haha... perfectly said!