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RE: New and unused

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago

The truth is that I don't have specific cards for cryptocurrencies. If in the past on another platform, I earned some crypto, it was the first time I used them, I took them out of there and did trading, I had to learn. So I quadrupled what I took out and then I withdrew it to the bank and reinvested it. The positive thing is that I learned to use some of the system and to do trading. It wasn't a lot of money, something like 60 dollars that I withdrew in crypto, but it gave me some experience. That was almost 4 years ago.


Quadrupled. Seems like a good thing that's like seven times more right? 🥴🤣

For a first time it was not bad at all, from 60 dollars I took it to 280. And I learned something new!