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RE: Lucky 13

in Galenkp's Stuff3 months ago

Too many crazy humans? I always say the same thing hahaha

I'm not superstitious at all, on the contrary 13 is beautiful! But poor people at table 14, that's bad luck.

I don't believe in good or bad luck but in cause and effect, what we do comes back and what we think too. In my life I had both, but the bad things were never luck, they were my responsibility or a revote action of actions of my family, when I was a child.

That is why it is so important to act correctly, life is a boomerang.


13 is beautiful? Hmm, which numbers are the ugly ones?

None! It will depend on people's experiences, for example my favorite is the 24th and you know why? Because it's the horse in the lottery hahaha and it reminds me of my paternal grandfather who loved horse racing.

Numbers... are just numbers, like things, a black cat is not bad luck, it's good luck!