How are you, friend steemit, I hope you are all healthy .tonight I intend to give a little insight into our current development, certainly still within the frame of the community that we are building. Perhaps there are some who have withdrawn from the stutter of the world steemit, yes of course with a variety of reasons. There are also those that still survive, although sometimes the results are not as expected. After all! His name is also a business of course there is a ebb and forward. All of us must return to the goals and motivations obtained during the Steemit, I also do not need to explain my and other friends' experiences because I am sure all of us already have their respective motivations to stay on this platform and the Steemit community.
The other day I got an invitation from the Bireuen Community to attend the Khanduri Steemit, and this was extraordinary. In the cold weather of the steemite atmosphere, I had the opportunity to meet with friends in Bireuen, who had been in contact for quite a long time. Wow ... wow! Incredibly, the cold atmosphere immediately warms up when meeting with friends who still agree in solving all existing problems. Activities like this deserve to be imitated by all of us, because this can be a place to strengthen the relationship between people. Also with such an event we can find a new spirit to survive in Steemit. With it, we can also find the mobilizer to get up and find a way to become the leader. The spirit of friends in Bireuen deserves a thumbs up, they are not half-hearted to welcome guests by serving food that is considered luxurious. But it is not about that which becomes the benchmark of an event, but rather the uniformity of ideas and good cooperation so that I see the cohesiveness that is intertwined so thick.

That is one of the driving factors for us to survive in this media. Having good people is not enough without our efforts to choose to go forward in our own way. Of course, we don't want to depend on people forever, we all want to be successful in our own way. This is what I and we all want in this life. Likewise in the world of steemit, help from friends is expected to be the initial motor to move until we see a chance of success. Because all of us have the same opportunity to succeed, and all of us have been given a place to present all the creativity we have, it is only a matter of time.

Starting from all that, we need to hone sensitivity to opportunities with concrete actions and implementation so that what has been said can be in harmony with the actions that we do. Remember "If one door closes, then another door will open" these words contain a positive meaning in achieving our goals in steemit. If we stop at one door, we will be judged as a failure. All of us are afraid of the word, but remember this is where action is needed to convince us that there will be another door open, so go in and do your best for your life. Greetings success for us all!
Jangan Lupa Bahagia

Salam dari klaten jawa tengahBnag @levycore terkadang saya merasa "iri" dengan sahabat Steemian dari Aceh dimana punya panutan punya sandaran rasanya saya inginbisa tahu banyak dan bimbingan dari abang-abang smeua..
@levycore를 부러워 할 필요없습니다. 진정으로 성공하고자 노력 하는 사람이라면 나는 도울 것입니다. 지금의 @levycore는 부러움의 대상이 아닙니다. 그를 정 말 부러워 하는 일들은 앞으로 일어 날것입니다.