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RE: Crowd Cameo: mousey smallsteps

in ArtBees3 years ago

This is awesome!!!!

and found out they'd discovered that throwing mulberries into the rapidly spinning ceiling fan was a lot of fun.

Oh my god... I am so glad that there has been none of that at all with Smallsteps to the point I am worried she will have OCD.

Hopefully more people make requests and you can collect a series of these :)

Thank you again and I will show Smallsteps in the morning (just finished work and got home as she is going to bed)



Yay! :D

LoL! She might, or she just might be neat, some people are just more organised than others despite parental modelling XD

My mother for example is really neat and tidy and my parents' house is and always has been impeccable (they're both very house proud).

J's parents are the same.

And then there's us.

the house is clean most of the time and has only stayed in reasonable clean AND tidy nick when the kids got older and I assigned them rooms that they have to clean every week

I told J I told hive the story of the mulberries and the ceiling fan and your response and he could not stop laughing.

There is a collection happening :D I've currently got another three sketchies in this particular queue (all repeat offenders requesters) and then I'll loop back and start 3d-ing them.

one of them I really need one of my other bases for and I haven't updated that base yet so need to get a wriggle on there

I hope she likes it XD