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RE: Doodler going digital!

in ArtBees4 years ago

Yeah, that makes sense when concerned with impersonators. Watermarks aren't really something I am terribly worried about while posting on the blockchain, to be honest. But they are literally the bare minimum of what an artist can do to protect their art while sharing on the internet.

I threw a watermark on these because of the potential for these pieces to be used in a gamified ecosystem. I wanted to limit the amount of potential "dupes". It wasn't a move to protect myself- but more so the art and Styx. I personally know a few "nonfamous" artists who have had their art ripped and thrown on a T-shirt print for profit. They were able to take legal action because they had copyright watermarks on the original work they had shared.

I don't really dwell a lot on colors and keep a safe monochrome as much as possible so anyone that tries a lot of colors is already daring for me haha.

Love monochrome. It's why I think stippling and I get along so well. I don't have to worry about color, just shades, which is great! Colors add extra thoughts like a palette, and tone, etc. Monochrome is much more classy, haha.

But then I catch myself watching Studio Ghibli films. Staring at the backdrops. The colors and I can't help but want to be able to create something so beautiful someday.

Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts!



I see what you mean now and point taken. Those pesky reposters and their lazy ctto shortcut "credits to the owner" whoever that is. I have seen artist go into meltdowns politely asking some of those type of account to stop until just quitting the platform enitely. There's no consequence for content thieves unlike here where downvotes can be thrown but on general social media, it seems like free for all and hop the angry mob is on the artist's favor when calling out the reposter.

You're on you way to creating something beautiful. It's mostly a matter on how much dedicated work you put into it and I should be listening to myself when giving out this thought as I do lack that part too.

Thanks for posting on Artbees and keeping some activity on the community alive on chain :>

There's no consequence for content thieves unlike here where downvotes can be thrown but on general social media, it seems like free for all and hop the angry mob is on the artist's favor when calling out the reposter.

Yeah, I have observed that happen to some folks in the art community too. It seems especially difficult if the thief has managed to obtain more internet clout than the OC smaller artist. Just an ant fighting the whole anthill alone. Usually, the only time something happens to those big art thief accounts is if enough multiple complaints come forward.

I remember finally setting up an art insta and scrolling through and finding half of "art" Instagram are accounts that reshare talented artists' work for "likes" (and if they are really ballsy a set of merch from the stolen art). Made me super wary of posting there.

Thank you, that means so much! That is excellent advice. I shall keep at it and you should too! With practice and time, we shall hone our skills and create lovely, beautiful art!

And of course! I love #artbees and the genuine comment exchanges I get to have here.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!




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