Hello everyone! After a few days off, I'm back to present you another one of my works, very excited to share my participation in the Splinterlands art contest. For this challenge, I chose to depict the character of "Doctor Blight" in my fanart.
For those who don't know, Doctor Blight is a character in the collectible card game Splinterlands who belongs to the "Neutral" faction. She is a powerful and mysterious figure who has incredible abilities, making her a popular choice among players.
When creating my fanart, I wanted to capture the essence of this character and her mysterious nature. To do this, I used a dark and vibrant color palette, which enhances her aura of power. I also focused on creating a balanced and dynamic composition that would catch the viewer's attention and make them feel drawn to the character.
One of the most interesting things about creating fanart is the opportunity to expand the universe of the game. By imagining Doctor Blight in my own way, I can create a unique interpretation that adds more depth to the character and his story - it's exciting to think that my art can inspire other players to learn more about Doctor Blight and the Neutral faction in general!
Overall, participating in this contest has been an amazing experience. Not only has it allowed me to explore my creativity, but also to connect with other players and artists who share my passion for Splinterlands and art in general. I hope you like my fanart and I wish good luck to all contest participants!
Next I show you the step by step of the development of the illustration.
¡Hola a todos! Después de unos días de descanso, estoy de vuelta para presentarle otra de mis obras, muy emocionado de compartir mi participación en el concurso de arte de Splinterlands. Para este desafío, elegí representar al personaje de "Doctor Blight" en mi fanart.
Para aquellos que no lo saben, Doctor Blight es un personaje en el juego de cartas coleccionables Splinterlands que pertenece a la facción de los "Neutral". Es una figura poderosa y misteriosa que tiene habilidades increíbles, lo que la convierte en una opción popular entre los jugadores.
Al crear mi fanart, quería capturar la esencia de este personaje y su naturaleza misteriosa. Para hacer esto, usé una paleta de colores oscura y vibrante, que realza su aura de poder. También me enfoqué en crear una composición equilibrada y dinámica que llame la atención del espectador y los haga sentir atraídos por el personaje.
Una de las cosas más interesantes de crear fanart es la oportunidad de expandir el universo del juego. Al imaginar a Doctor Blight de mi propia manera, puedo crear una interpretación única que agrega más profundidad al personaje y su historia. ¡Es emocionante pensar que mi arte puede inspirar a otros jugadores a conocer más sobre Doctor Blight y la facción Neutral en general!
En general, participar en este concurso ha sido una experiencia increíble. No solo me ha permitido explorar mi creatividad, sino también conectarme con otros jugadores y artistas que comparten mi pasión por Splinterlands y el arte en general. ¡Espero que les guste mi fanart y les deseo buena suerte a todos los participantes en el concurso!
A continuación les muestro el paso a paso del desarrollo de la ilustración.
Drawing development / Desarrollo ✏️ 
To say the faculty at Pelcroft were uncooperative when first presented with Alastair's “evidence” would be an understatement. Shunned for his obsession with obscure folklore and laughed at for his insistence on a forgotten “hidden” continent, staff and friends alike mumbled pejoratives just out of earshot suggesting an unbalanced mind, drawing comparisons to the infirmed at Silverwood Asylum.
Decir que el profesorado de Pelcroft se mostró poco cooperativo cuando se le presentaron por primera vez las "pruebas" de Alastair sería quedarse corto. Rechazado por su obsesión con el folclore oscuro y ridiculizado por su insistencia en un continente "oculto" olvidado, tanto el personal como los amigos murmuraban peyorativos sin ser oídos, sugiriendo una mente desequilibrada y estableciendo comparaciones con los enfermos del manicomio de Silverwood.
When I started creating my "Doctor Blight" fanart for the Splinterlands art contest, I began by researching the character's original chart. I studied his appearance and abilities so that I could capture the essence of the character in my drawing. I also searched online for references for grim nighttime settings, as I wanted the environment to be an important element in my artwork. Once I had a clear idea of what I wanted, I started sketching to explore different ideas and compositions. After finding the design I liked the most, I began to draw the base lines to shape "Doctor Blight". I used the pencil tool for this and made sure all the proportions were correct. Next, I added a dark-toned color scheme for the doctor's clothing and other accessories such as his hood, which would contrast with the foggy background.
Cuando comencé a crear mi fanart de "Doctor Blight" para el concurso de arte de Splinterlands, comencé investigando la carta original del personaje. Estudié su apariencia y habilidades para poder capturar la esencia del personaje en mi dibujo. También busqué referencias en línea para escenarios lúgubres de noche, ya que quería que el entorno fuera un elemento importante en mi obra. Una vez que tuve una idea clara de lo que quería, comencé a hacer bocetos para explorar diferentes ideas y composiciones. Después de encontrar el diseño que más me gustó, comencé a trazar las líneas base para dar forma a "Doctor Blight". Usé la herramienta de lápiz para esto y me aseguré de que todas las proporciones fueran correctas. A continuación, agregué un colores con tonalidades oscuras, para la vestimenta y demás accesorios de el doctor cómo su capucha, que contrastaría con la niebla del fondo.
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Once I had the shapes and base colors, I started adding details to give more life to my drawing. I added shadows, textures and lights to create more depth and definition in the elements of the drawing. I also added the hand lamp to give the impression that Doctor Blight was exploring his dark surroundings. Finally, I added the background to my drawing. I used brushes and layers to create a gloomy atmosphere at night, with lots of fog and low visibility. The combination of lights between the hand lamp and the ambient light added a mysterious and dramatic touch to the environment. In summary, I created my "Doctor Blight" fanart for the Splinterlands art contest by researching the character's original letter, exploring different ideas on paper sketches, tracing baselines in my digital drawing software, adding details and shadows, and finally creating the environment with brushes and layers to create the gloomy nighttime atmosphere I was looking for.
Una vez que tuve las formas y los colores base, comencé a agregar detalles para darle más vida a mi dibujo. Agregué sombras, texturas y luces para crear más profundidad y definición en los elementos del dibujo. También agregué la lámpara de mano para dar la impresión de que Doctor Blight estaba explorando su entorno oscuro. Finalmente, agregué el fondo de mi dibujo. Usé pinceles y capas para crear una atmósfera lúgubre de noche, con mucha niebla y poca visibilidad. La combinación de luces entre la lámpara de mano y la luz de ambiente añadió un toque misterioso y dramático al entorno. En resumen, creé mi fanart de "Doctor Blight" para el concurso de arte de Splinterlands investigando la carta original del personaje, explorando diferentes ideas en bocetos en papel, trazando líneas base en mi software de dibujo digital, agregando detalles y sombras, y finalmente creando el entorno con pinceles y capas para crear la atmósfera lúgubre de noche que buscaba.
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Final design / Diseño final 🎨
Used tools / Herramientas usadas📌 

- Programs: Imovie
Tablet: Ipad Pro
Apple PencilBrushes: Airbrush
Felt-tip pen
Skin brushTime: 8 hours
Past drawings / Dibujos pasados 🔙 
Thank you for your attention. We'll see you again in the next post, don't miss it.
Gracias por la atención prestada. Nos veremos de nuevo en el proximo post, no se lo pierdan.

El punto de partida de todo logro es el deseo.
Napoleon Hill
Copyright © @victartex - All Rights Reserved. Design and editing by own authorship.
This looks really amazing! The background is a perfect fit. Have a great sucess with the contest
Howdy @victartex, what is your connection to @manuel2395 and @jasonmyers13?
Hello sir, with respect to the question you mention, I do not know any of the profiles you mention, I have seen some publications of them and they are great artists, if it is the style you handle, I still need a lot of practice to reach that goal.
We all need more practice, so don't feel bad. I appreciate you also taking the time to respond and thanks for your honesty! Practice makes perfect! Cheers
Hello @castleberry. In response to your question, I must clarify that I have no connection to the profiles of @manuel2395 and @jasonmyers13. While I respect and appreciate all Hive users, I have no personal or professional relationship with those specific profiles. My focus is on my art and sharing my work with the Hive community. I am committed to maintaining a positive presence on the platform by collaborating with other artists and creating creative content. If you have any other questions, I can gladly answer them.
Thank you for your response. I was curious because some of the art styles between the accounts seem to have some uncanny similarities, and the times y'all post sometimes are about the same. I haven't found any connections other than similarity in art style at times... but figured it would be better to just ask directly. So, i appreciate your open honesty. Thank you and keep up the great work!
Greetings friend @castleberry, the question was not for me, but I saw the comment by the mention and I wanted to contribute something to the conversation 😄, I do not know the friend @victartex beyond the platform of @hive, but I follow his profile for a couple of months I think and I can attest that he is an artist who is dedicated to contribute his own to the platform; Perhaps the similarities that may exist with me or with other users is nothing more in the style of (Realism or Semi-realism) that we develop the vast majority in the artistic community, but even so there are artists with more polished work and others who go a little more for the abstract.
And the issue of schedules in my particular case I am from Venezuela, where the internet is very unstable and I live in a very rural state 😭 and therefore the only times I can publish is at night; the friend @victartex as I see is also from Venezuela and may have similar problems with the internet or something like that. I hope I have helped in something, best regards @castleberry✍🏽🙋🏽♂️
Thanks for your response. All three accounts are from Venezuela and unfortunately, i am aware of some of the hardships you all endure there. I appreciate you commenting here and being honest. I tagged all three of you so that it would be easier to get the answers all in one spot. We have had issues before with some folks having multiple accounts. While there isn't anything wrong with having more than one account... it is not acceptable for the Splinterlands contests. So, i am glad to hear that you all are seperate users and not one farm of scammers.
Thanks again for your input! Cheers
Yes of course it is understandable😄, the problem of multi-accounts is a nuisance since the beginning of the platform; particularly I do not know how or what time they have to maintain several accounts, or farms in #hive 😂; since carrying 1 single account involves a lot of effort and commitment to achieve something of quality, and I think even more so in the subject of art, where 1 good drawing can take you up to several days. This is not the case of course, and with respect to the other account labeled I did not even know it, but as I see it is a somewhat new account, and by his style and the issue of proportions seems to be a little beginner (With all due respect to him hehehehehehehej and I hope no offense because I do not say it to mal😄) but yes, it is a common style that we all come to have when starting in digital art.
Best regards my Bro ✌
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Thanks for sharing! - castleberry#6859

Tengo muchas ganas desde hace meses de hacer esta carta pero aun no me atrevo, pero creo que es debido a que no tengo claro el diseño todavía.
Pero Tu trabajo... WOOOOOOOOW magnifico, me encanto toda esa atmósfera de misterio. 💖💖💖