Muy poco tiempo queda
resuenan las culpas improductivas e hirientes
no recuerdo ese momento, y tal vez sea mejor así
quizás lo correcto no era tan correcto
quizás pertenecer nunca funciona.
Solo quiero que no suceda de noche
quiero que mi amor nocturno permanezca intacto e igual de frágil
correr cuando crees que una cara es real debería ser normal
gracias por lo que dejaras tallado
gracias por todo lo que aprendimos .
very little time left
unproductive and hurtful guilt resonates
I don't remember that moment, and maybe it's better that way
maybe the right thing was not so right
maybe belonging never works.
I just want it not to happen at night
I want my nocturnal love to remain intact and just as fragile
running when you think a face is real should be normal
thanks for what you left carved
thanks for everything we learned.
Very stylized and strange. Great job!
Thank you very much for your comment.
Of course!