Doodles animations and commissions for clients :3

in Alien Art Hive7 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone this week I have been busy working for some clients and bringing some projects to life,

I guess that's the part I like the most of my job, bringing to the physical plane what someone has in mind with my hands.

So this is a brief account of what I've been doing this week: I hope soon to show you the final result !

I'm still waiting for the results of my mother's biopsy and I try to keep my mind busy with work so I don't overthink it too much x_x it's been weeks where I've been single-handedly taking care of bills and things to pay at home C: but thankful that I've been able to solve as much as possible and above all thankful to all those who have supported me <3

Hola a todos esta semana he estado ocupada trabajando para algunos clientes y trayendo a la vida algunos proyectos, supongo que es la parte que mas me gusta de mi trabajo, traer al plano fisico lo que alguien tiene en mente con mis manos.
Aun sigo en espera de los resultados de la biopsia de mi madre y trato de mantener mi mente ocupada con trabajo para no sobre pensar demasiado en ello x_x han sido semanas en las que yo solita me he hecho cargo de las facturas y las cosas que pagar en casa C: pero agradecida de que he podido resolver en la medida de lo posible y sobre todo agradecida con todos aquellos que me han apoyado <3
Asi que este es un breve recuento de lo que he estado haciendo esta semana:
espero pronto mostrarles el resultado final !

sketch figure 1 !


sketch figure 2 !


now time to make all the body and clothes with figure 2


same with figure 1


funny annoyed face


Do you know Kylo and Rey ?


well i found this fanart of them :


and decided to make my own ver but with different characters, bc this artist picked up a good idea of these two romance :3
(my version is just an inspiration based on an existing artwork in terms of poses and expressions taken as a practice and for entertainment purposes)

little friendly robot


some silly sketch


some of my clients commissions on pixelart (this one will have an animation)


same with this one, just stuff in process


 7 months ago  

These sketches are so cute <3

thank u alien mama <3