Haven't heard of you in a coons age! How is Viechtach? How is your Cafe doing? I still get occasional messages from Monika about shows at the Alte Rathaus. Much has changed since the heydays of Surreal Art. Many venues are not active anymore.
Haven't heard of you in a coons age! How is Viechtach? How is your Cafe doing? I still get occasional messages from Monika about shows at the Alte Rathaus. Much has changed since the heydays of Surreal Art. Many venues are not active anymore.
Haha... yes, not around much. I like to hide away painting in my studio 🤣
All good over here in this cozy corner of the world. Karin's café is popular as ever, with 4,9 stars out of 5 on google!
good to know there are some sane corners left in this crazy world.
last Fall I had a solo show at the Galerie Esther / Ernst Fuchs Museum. Last kick at the can, so to speak.
Hello to Karen, and everyone there that still knows who I am.
Also, wishing a Happy New Year!