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RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ~ Inktober

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago (edited)

That you mention red ink is funny - I just seen this now.
Yesterday I carved my finger quite bad - I should have saved the blood, lol.
Taking prescribed blood thinners it was flowing quite profusely.
Why do I mention this? There is an artist I know that draws with his own blood, his name is Vincent Castiglia, article about him in Reuters

Vincent Castiglia

This is Sanguine drawing in its most literal form, since the color comes from red iron oxide in blood.


Sorry about your finger! I would imagine the blood thinners definitely didn't help your finger at the time. That art from Mr. Castiglia is pretty amazing. I actually did a few artworks with pen dipped in my own blood. It doesn't go down like ink but it does have a very unique color as you mentioned. Trippy hahhaa
Thanks for stopping by my friend!

.... not to mention the mess on the floor, running between the kitchen and the bathroom medicine cabinet.
I once thought of using blood for drawing, but I am notoriously needle shy, so drawing blood is not my thing. When I get injured, I can handle it though.

Most people don't realize how messy blood is. I accidentally cut myself one Christmas opening presents. I got a new knife and was using it to open some zip-ties and it ended up stabbing my thumb on the inside under the knuckle and almost popped out the other side from under my nail. It was pretty deep and i didn't want to bleed all over everything so i ran to the kitchen without telling anyone.

I was in panic mode more because i didn't want to mess up my Grandmas house than because it was possibly serious injury. hahaha The good ol days. Thankfully my sister, who was in nursing school at the time, came and did a cool trick to help me from bleeding out!

She wet down a paper towel and had me apply it with a lot of pressure. The moisture in the paper towel (i guess you could use a rag or cloth too) made it to where the blood didn't have anywhere to flow. I don't know if it would work completely if you are on the blood thinners, if there's a next time, but it couldn't hurt.
Something about drawing in blood felt wrong. Even after it was finished. And some of the looks i got when i told them that it was in blood ink were priceless!