Sometimes when i make art i have a vision in my mind i want to see manifest. Other times, i have no idea what's going on and i let the art kind of create itself. At this point in the work... i was unsure of what i wanted it to truly be as an end result. I have about five ideas i ended up blending into this one!
Most times I do have the image to be created in my mind and then I leave the struggle of how to create that image to my skills which sometimes could be disappointing. I do this exercises everyday where I just paint and draw anything that I feel like and I'm surprisingly always satisfied with the results.
Your piece has been looking really great and I love the input of the yellow lady. I didn't see that coming. Can't wait for the finished work!!! Enjoy your weekend friend.
Yes, the yellow lady will get the final work since yellow is so easy to contaminate. So, i'm saving her for the very last. This artwork hopefully will look as cool upside down as it will rightside up! Thanks for mentioning her.
I definitely fee you on trusting the skills to overcome the struggles. hahaha You win some and you lose some. I have been known to start over and over.. but i'm trying to break myself of that habit! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Cheers!