Just wanted to say a quick thanks/ Wollt nur mal schnell danke sagen (ENG/ DE)

in Alien Art Hive2 months ago

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Helloooooo Hive people,

Hello dear visitors to my blog, today I just want to say thank you.
To you and you and you... And you there too. And a thank you to you and those over there too. A very special thank you goes to our @eve66, as this user is always committed to the art community and supports many artists.

I have minimally oriented myself to the profile picture. It should be a portrait style. I also wanted to create something with a cat motif, as Eve likes cats. I also wanted it to be artistically freaky, a bit experimental and brightly colored.

You can see the result here.
Hm, what can you call the style?

I hope our Eve ❤️ also likes my little picture for her.

Here is the creation process.

surrealworld thank you artwork for eve66 thumbnail.jpg

Hallöchen werte Hive Leute,

Hallöchen liebe Besucher meines Blogs, heute möchte ich einfach mal danke sagen.
Dir und dir und dir... Und dir da auch. Euch noch und denen da, da drüben auch noch ein Dankeschön hin. Ein ganz besonderes Danke gilt unsere @eve66, da sich dieser user immer für die Kunstgemeinde einsetzt und ganz viele Künstler unterstützt.

Ich habe mich minimal am Profilbild orientiert. Es sollte ein Porträt Stil werden. Auch wollte ich etwas mit einem Katzenmotiv kreieren, da Eve Katzen mag. Dazu kam noch, dass ich es künstlerisch freakig haben wollte, etwas experimentell und knall bunt.

Was dabei raus kam seht ihr hier.
Hm, wie kann man den Stil nennen?

Ich hoffe es gefällt auch unserer Eve ❤️ mein Bildchen für dich.

Hier nun der Entstehungsprozess.

surrealworld process trennlinie dicker.png

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Started with the eyes and face.

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Wanted a woman's portrait with cat features.

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Some shades, some colors.

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More coloring.

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Okay, from here on it was all an experimental, colorful way until the end.

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Some insights

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Random idea came up. I wanted half face like an orange cat and the other part like a black cat.

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Had no clue how to work out the hair style. Let's see what's happening...

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Okay, mixing many many tools, brushes and layers in different styles together.

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Final number of layers at the end...

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Some geometrical figures.

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Some smoothly variations for my gif.

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My gif creation 👇🏼

surrealworld thank you artwork for eve66 gif.gif

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  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung 8 Stunden 40 Minuten / duration of completion 8 hours 40 minutes

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Some advertising on my own behalf, if you want to check out my designs and stuff ❤️

Bisl Werbung in eigener Sache, wer möchte kann gerne mal meine Designs und so abchecken ❤️

surrealworld trenn barren dünn.png

Cats Surrealworld Redbubble Art Store
Let's go and scroll through my Redbubble store. Get your decorations from here. No matter if you need a pillow or art canvas, a curtain for the bath or a coffee mug. If you like my art, maybe there's something for you to get.

Cats Surrealworld Threadless Art Store
Yes, my second store is on Threadless. They have different products and Prices, and to give you the best possibilities of ordering my Art designs, I use more online provider. No matter if you need a thermo mug or art design for the wall, clothes a cap. If you like my art, maybe there's something for you to get, feel free to check it out.

Cats Surrealworld Threadless Profil
Threadless has also kind of Profiles aka accounts, where artists can follow each other or where their fan base can follow. So if you like, if you have also a Threadless account, follow me also there, ❤️ and leave a comment with a link of your Threadless profile so I can follow back. 🙏🏼

Cats Surrealworld on Beacons.ai
Beacons.ai is a kind of Linktree, and there you will find all my upcoming stores (planning redbubble and displate too. It's under process of proof), my online Yoga offerings (calendar to book a yoga lesson with me) and free spiritual books to download I upload there from time to time. So you don't habe to search in the internet, maybe I have already uploaded it. I am planning a big free online library, where you find interesting books and where you are able to download it for free. ✨

surrealworld trenn barren dünn.png

Eure / your



!luv back to you 🙏🏼

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

untitled.gifThis turned out awesome! I'm sure @eve66 is going to love it. Especially with the third eye plus cats! hahaha

Hope so ❤️❤️❤️❤️ omg this meme cat is cute toooo.

Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@surrealworld, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.