Some hipsters stumbled upon an ancient manuscript on how to summon a being from another dimension. As they were stoned on pot they didn't read the fine print on how to summon the giant safely. Instead they threw down the rune stones on the sidewalk and proceeded to chant the Latin incantation in a bad accent. This infuriated the giant and they were all smashed, and the giant returned back to its safe dimension where hipsters don't exist.Here are a few of my recent renders in 3ds max and vray for this #trippythursday by @blacklux
This thing fell out of the sky recently over the coast of South Carolina. The president assures us it has nothing to do with the Chinese spy satellite that was shot down recently. The EPA says its not toxic and is probably just an undiscovered life form that always lived on the earth. Reporters are encouraged to go and stand next to it to give live coverage on the radiation it is emitting.
Meanwhile in Ohio the tap water looks like this... The EPA says its safe and effective and you should boost your intake of this tap water daily. Pharmaceutical companies are trying to figure out how to profit off the fallout of this disaster buying ad space on every television to promote pills made out of the sludge.
Meanwhile on the cellular level various chemicals are changing the DNA of the world's inhabitants. What used to be a solid red cell wall is now Swiss cheese. But scientists assure us these chemicals are safe for consumption, never mind the huge tumors that are growing on everyone. PR firms are making tumors into a fashion statement by recruiting various pop singers and makeup firms to decorate them stylishly.
Meanwhile the breakaway civilization that is causing all the environmental disasters has setup an underground base with perpetual energy. Here they will be able to hide out deep underground for a few generations then emerge as gods to lord over the poisoned masses.
Unfortunately the breakaway civilization miscalculated the perpetual energy generator's radiation. Now they are all dropping dead and turning green.
Now all that is left on Earth is a perpetual energy generator. Maybe someday a space faring race of aliens will discover it and see its potential as a battery for some of their kitchen appliances. This thing would work great as a power source for large blender to wisk pterodactyl eggs omelettes.
That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)
Sounds like a bad trip 🙂

They laced the gmo pot with mrna particles. That gif reminds me to keep sugar away from m6 daughter in the coming years lol.
I have one of those, took forever to get insurance to acknowledge it and schedule its removal. Now I'm having second thoughts. Maybe some rhinestones, glitter, and googly eyes are all it really needs.
I had one of those too. Took a couple brain surgeries to remove it, quite a trippy experience.
Whaaaaaaaat, really? Scary! But now you're a music wizard so I guess it paid off.
It was wild watching my left hand move on its own after having a headache for a week. Then I called an ambulance and they basically did the surgery a few hours later. Fortunately a good brain surgeon lives in the same suburb as me lol. The second surgery was just to check if anything was left and there wasn't.
Wild! That's one word for it. Must have been scary. Glad you got surgery so quickly.
I was back at work in a week too. If brain surgery is on the right frontal lobe recovery is fast and the surgery is basically painless. Thankfully the tumor was benign.
Oooohhhhh so you're telling me you just had run-of-the-mill brain surgery, huh??? LOL
Love the writing and accompanying imagery! Pterodactyl egg omelettes, sounds like it could be really good!
Thanks for looking and reading :-). I'm always tempted to just write the technical details about how the visuals were created but force myself to write a wild story about them instead.
Have fun doing both! hahaha