Excellent post! Good for you and you do you which is commendable. I am usually very critical of folks and that is my own self-esteem* issues. It seems that you are working through yours using your various creative skills to include your unique-art. I am not a fan of the art, but a fan of your going for the jugular.
@cryptofinally is a kid barely out of her teens. She chooses to sexually objective herself and that is her choice to make. Like you said, we can change no one. Duplicity is a common malady that all human-beings experience to different degrees.
If you think it strange that I am giving you this praise, don't get mad at me. I am a Gemini♊ and currently sober. The good twin is in control. 😉
glad the good twin is control sarg, you ain't the only gemini ........HONEY :P