comenzar a estar sola ante la oscuridad pudiera ser lo mejor; comenzar a creer que las cosas saldrán mal, son
cosas que de vez en cuando dormir en las noches resulta inquietantes
para mi alma. ¿Qué más quisiera yo cambiar las posibilidades
de mi vida incomprendida?
To begin to believe that the odds are on my side;
beginning to be alone in the face of darkness might be for the best; beginning to believe that things will go wrong, these are
things that from time to time sleeping at night is unsettling to my soul.
What more would I want to change the possibilities of my misunderstood life?
of my misunderstood life?
es completamente aleatoria para uno; para ambos y para todos.
Lo que yo haga puede afectar a otro; y ese otro afectará a otro más.
No es más que una desdicha compartida.
I guess it wouldn't be any fun to do something like that, so life is completely random for you; for both of us and for everyone else.
is completely random for one; for both and for all.
What I do may affect someone else; and that someone else will affect someone else.
It is nothing more than a shared misfortune.
Al observar la luna por las noches; cuando deje de brillar;
mis sentimientos habrán desaparecido. ¿Compresión? Me pregunto que será exactamente...
The day when I stop on my way; it will mean that the clouds no longer arise a meaning for me.
Watching the moon at night; when it stops shining; my feelings will be gone;
my feelings will be gone. Compression? I wonder what exactly it will be...

Herramientas & Programa: Photoshop, Mouse, Teclado, Pc
Tools & Program: Photoshop, Mouse, Keyboard,