Welcome to this blog post about a recent piece. I am procrastinating like crazy recently. Self-sabotage at its finest. Need to break it ASAP!
So many opportunities now with this hole NFT (Art) thing going. Amazing!
Now would be the time to monetize your work.
But no... Questioning myself what to mint ending up minting nothing. Or having so many ideas in head ending up with not leading up on one.
I guess I need a manager who looks after me and tells me what to mint and maybe do some good marketing for my work. With the NFT Boom everyone makes art all a sudden. And that's great because I believe that we are all artists. A lot of competition out there.
I was making digital art when I was 13 years old. On a commodore 64. So that's more than 3 decades ago👀 The same time my fellow human beings were busy being programmed to obey and serve their future masters I was in this international C64 scene. Talking whole nights with Americans and swapping new games with people all over the world. Making demos and worrying about being the fastest with all those new games which kept coming. Yes, those were the days.
So now you know how I spend my early years. And it was not all work, a lot of playing video games was involved😎
"Arival" 😊 Have to start checking my titles on errors....
Original picture by Nick Jones taken from Unsplash.com.
Multiple deep dreams and Photoshop:
And bringing it alive with plotagraph.
"Arival" Giveaway!
I am going to give away one of the 5 editions of "Arival".
💬 Comment and you will enter the magic wheel. Which is another synonym for random generator. So comment and your name goes in the entry pool. So that is the only thing needed to have a chance to win.
You can earn extra entries by:
📧 Resteeming this Post.
👉 Tagging someone who might be interested in winning this piece of digitalart.
When the post payout is done I will enter all entries in the Magic wheel and it will pick one winner. Maybe you will be the proud owner of this piece of digital art.
Thank you for your time and meet you on the other side.

Yes please, I would love one, right @chelsea88?
Tagging @monsterbuster
Good NFTs
Tagging @strikerone
I really really liked that one!! Keep up the great work. How do I win?
TY! You have to be lucky and get picked by the magic wheel. Your name goes in when you comment. And you can get extra entries for tagging someone and for a reblog. So definitely more chance then in the lotery😜