Since I learnt how to do 2D Animation in 2020 I've always wantef to be that guy that makes 2D Animated videos and stuff.
I'm a writer who has already published a novel, so that lets you know I have the creative ideas 🌚🌚. I can actually come up with a lot of content for short funny 2D animations.
But I've not been able to get to it since 2020. Life keeps getting in the way.
I decided to draw only comics but every idea for a comic I have I keep seeing ways in which I can make a video out of it instead. So I couldn't even draw many comics.
I've been trying to make time without any success, but today I finished one video!
I decided to make simple drawings without much color, and they're beautiful! They're the rage on Social Media.
Enjoy the first complete video I've made. Don't forget to like and subscribe, please:
The End
Hi there, my novella Professor Otagburuagu just got published. It promises to be thoroughly entertaining and intellectually stimulating. Written by myself and illustrated by Scandinavian artist @ katharsisdrill. You can get it from me for just 4 HBD.
You can also order the hard copy from anywhere in the world via this link:
Thank you!
Congrats on your first video.
I hope you find time to make more and enjoy the process.
Thank you very much!
OMG I laughed my .. off. This is just grand 😂
Thank you so much! 😃. I hope you liked and subscribed? Help out with that, please. More crazy stuff are on the way.
Glad to see it when it’s ready 🥳
YouTube here I come !
I have subscribed to your channel and hope to keep coming up with more interesting and funny videos like this.
Thank you very much!