in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

Each sector has its own logo. Usually, by the image on the logo, you can understand which sector we are talking about. Letters and numbers indicate the name of the sector and its serial number. for example: RD-6 sector (RoDent sector, sixth in order at the NTS-3). In case you forgot: NTS-3 (Next Transition Station 3)...
LOGOBOX - Such devices are located inside each sector, as well as at each entrance and exit. All of them differ externally, sometimes significantly. They are equipped with different, strange sensors and devices. As I understand it, these devices perform various functions: scanning, recognition, any analysis. They show a lot of different information, some kind of graphs, sector logos and other strange images. Also one of the main functions is reading various codes from the N-badge for admission to the sector. In fact, I came up with the name ''LOGOBOX'' in order to at least somehow call these strange devices!
When I examined this device, I first noticed some strange slimy organism in the right corner. As it turned out, this slime is everywhere, but I will tell you about it next time. Of course, this device is equipped with ''Light Code'' technology, I am no longer surprised by this. Also attached to this device was some kind of flask with a rodent inside, the unfortunate rat was in an incomprehensible luminous liquid. I don't even know if she's alive. This box also issue very strange sounds. Although everything around here is strange, incomprehensible sometimes frightening, I still can’t get used to it all...







