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RE: Why painting this was so powerful:Solitude on The Planet of Dreams

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago

What fascinates me is how if we let the unconscious take control we get to discover so much than we thought present. Unfortunately very few ever get to experience this particular experience, most just lead lives fully controlled by the conscious or rather they think they are in control.

Many will never find that urge to pursue what lies beneath the surface... Your story echoes the sentiment that art is one of the best ways to really get in touch with our inner depth, but that can only happen when we choose to let the conscious lose the control it so much holds to, I am amazed that you can fully lose yourself in your artwork and despite encountering overwhelming emotions you still continue.

I am ever intrigued reading your different writings. I have been off the platform for a month or so but now that I am back, I will definitely check out your other writings.

Cheers! And may you learn more and more as you continue with your journey....


I am amazed that you can fully lose yourself in your artwork and despite encountering overwhelming emotions you still continue

Thank you so much, I couldn't have said it better. Art is a great spiritual teacher if you let yourself go. I am constantly working on myself and it is not easy to open the doors of the subconscious and stare at what is deeply buried underneath. It is a challenge. It wasn't easy. It caught me by surprise as well and I guess it is because I have worked with my inner self a lot lately. It helped me. I cried, I felt fear, shame and then I felt a sense of relief. I do believe that people would become better if they would do the inner work, despite the fear, despite the discomfort. Becoming conscious changes the whole reality because you start to see differently. You change the glasses through which you see everything. I begin to understand my choices so much better.
Thank you for your lovely words, I trully appreciate them and I wish you a great day! 🤗