Epic AI ARt Imagery

in Alien Art Hive2 years ago

Greetings friends. I return with with another round of my 10 favorite creations as of late. I have spent so many hours exploring these AI art tools and the ability to move through ideas efficiently and produce some amazing results is absolutely unbelievable. I hope everyone gets to experience this one day

Let's dive in. I stuck with a semi these- of city street vibes

10: I enjoy mixing both future and past prompts together. I feel like this guy both looks like he fits in this scene as well as looks like he is from the future

09: Similar theme here- this jogger looks clean, and up to date, the city behind him looks grungy and dirty. The contrast

08: This could 100 percent be a movie. Cinematic AF- superhero or super villain!?

07: God I love the ability to create this epic stuff- I really want to print these out on large prints and frame them... any potential buyers?

06: Who knows, we may be seeing these characters in our cities soon if there is another pandemic

05: The details in this guys suit is absolutely incredible. Game Worthy, Movie Worthy, shit, absolutely stunning

04: Started to play around with including some abstract parts in these prompts- this guy looks like hes walking down an alley into a portal that takes him to another dimension. Sick AF

03: This man is superhero AF- finally someone to come in and save the day

02: PLaying around now with a little bit less "realistic"- planet of the apes 2023 vibes for sure

01: And finally- wayyyyy out in left field. This started as a prompt that included Dyson vaccumms. lol- Still- absolutely Sick AF

Thanks for stopping by guys. Again, I used Ai art tools to help create all these images. It truly is quite therapeutic for me and definitely something I can spend hours, lost in. It's both very exciting and overwhelming to think about the possibilities.

Until next time
