Old Days, My Grayscale and My Dead Sketches [ EN/ESP]

in Alien Art Hive3 years ago (edited)

Bilingual Post/Publicación Bilingüe

English / Inglés


Hello again! my dear Hiver, this time i bring you something from the trunk of my memories; to be honest i thought i had already shared these drawings from my gray era, but when i checked my blog, i noticed that i never did. Probably because they didn't used to be my favorite drawings and it's funny because they both adorn my room, my walls, i see them every day when i wake up, when i sleep, they are always right in front of me, maybe that's the reason, maybe i got bored of seeing them so much, i don't know? The truth is that in this episode i will dedicate it to them, to my beloved grayscale and i took out of the drawer some sketches that i hadn't seen for a long time.


My First Love | Graphite

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A simple pencil and an eraser, that's all we need to give free rein to our imagination. Although like any other child, i always explored other materials, i think i used to be much more curious than usual, but i admit that my favorite technique was always my graphite pencil, my beloved grayscale. i never felt very comfortable with paints and brushes, i spent a lot of time sheltered in this particular grayish dust.

Something that i find very curious of many of us when we start drawing is that we have a strange passion for shadows, when we discover that there are graphite pencils with very high degrees and super dark , we feel we need it in our lives, it is a strange need to get our hands dirty and at the same time the whole drawing during the process hahaha ....

Little by little i was changing my technique and method of making my drawings. I didn't like the mess caused by those dark and dense pencils, when i acquired a little more experience, i decided to substitute the darker pencils for lighter and harder ones to avoid damaging the whole drawing.


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Changing my Grayscale to Color

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The reason i officially started drawing in color was because of the demand. I was always being asked for color drawings. I admit that at the beginning it didn't feel very good, colors were not my forte or we just didn't get along very well, it seemed to me very particular that people interpreted or relate the gray scale with something sad or associated to emotions that we label as 'negative', which is absolutely false or at least i have a completely different perspective of color. Sometimes i was annoyed by it, i think i was clinging to my comfort zone, that kind of changes generated me some frustration.

Currently as is evident, i always do mostly color work and they are usually very vibrant, i think too much so. This time it's not because of the demand but rather, which causes me some laughter, "finishing drawings fast" is my comfort zone. With time i discovered that drawing in color was much faster and then i understood in a way why others draw so much in color hahaha...no, it's probably not the case, but it's usually mine. Drawing in gray tends to be tedious and very tiring and it happened to me very often, that i had anxiety crises just thinking about drawing.


My First Art Exhibition

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Probably i have mentioned it before but i never used to show my drawings, since they were very personal, i always felt that my drawings were like a kind of illustrated diary or it was my own soul that manifested itself on paper. I was never the artist who looked for references or anything like that, because my intention was never to be an artist, nor to study drawing... i just felt the need to express myself in that way because of my inability to speak and express emotions with my words. For that and many other reasons i didn't show what i was doing, i felt like naked in front of people and i admit that I didn't want to answer the typical question: What does this drawing mean?.
i didn't know how to answer that.

In 2015 , while i was under therapy with a Psychologist, he insisted that i participate in an exhibition that was being organized at the School of Arts in my city (Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolivar. Venezuela). It was something of destiny, that my therapist was a Plastic Artist and that is why he was concerned that i began to show all that i was hiding, my beloved grayish drawings. Finally i accepted, since it was something small and private, it was just a group of people with special needs, i think mostly with autism, it was definitely not a coincidence, that afternoon i showed these two creatures, the other drawings i have shared in other very old posts, but these gray girls, i present them today.

Do these girls have any meaning?
  • I'm not really sure, i think that at this time, i was still looking for my style, i was shaping it little by little without noticing it, but what is certain is that they were like a caricatured version of me, always with the elements that characterize me, the eyes, animals as totems, always that mystical and mysterious air, the second girl i remember i wanted to draw as a kind of super heroine, i just noticed that in both there is a cat, at that time i liked to make voluptuous creatures like Botero artist. Probably if i analyze it a little more, it makes a lot of sense, always looking for a figure similar to me, like a search for who I was...it was a time of self searching without a doubt.


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Old Sketches | Unfinished Projects

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My cemetery of sketches, at least that's how i feel every time i see them, i start to travel in time, to the past... although certain things could be labeled as "negative", something i noticed is that restlessness to always draw, to try to talk with my strokes, no matter what, without worrying about details, just to get that indescribable something i had inside as children do. Now i admit that i miss that spontaneity a little bit and leave so much control for wanting to finish everything, with luxuries and details because obviously it is already a job and not a mere hobby, much less a therapy.

A moment like that would be excellent, like the old days, a simple pencil and paper, scratches everywhere without so much planning, without so much judgment, without trying to satisfy that insatiable instinct for perfection in the details.

Meanwhile i look at some sketches that i would like to finish, even though they are very old, but the idea as such still calls my attention, i have imagined some in digital version, but i admit that i have not yet developed the same patience that i have in traditional art in the digital field, it is still hard for me, i can not adapt.

  • Fun fact: The last sketch with that strange creature was a kind of alien i saw in a dream, it was super weird, it had the body as the Tasmanian tiger but with a human or alien face with huge eyes like a cat, i'll never forget it.



And finally i will just say that i will try to invoke the spirit of the grayscale again to see if i reconnect a little with it, maybe not to draw a complete piece in that technique but to achieve a better finish in my color drawings, because when i have tried this method of using gray as a base, the truth is that i love how the colors stand out and it is achieved as a somewhat realistic effect and even 3D sometimes, it is very interesting! :)

Thanks for visiting and supporting my little artistic corner, See you later! Blessings ;).




Content Created by me
Translated with Deepl.com
©Medussart 2021


Español / Spanish


Viejos Tiempos, Mi escala de grises y Mis Bocetos Muertos

penceil greyscale der.png


Hola nuevamente mi querido Hiver, esta vez les traigo algo del baúl de mis recuerdos; para ser honesta pensé que ya había compartido estos dibujos de mi época gris, pero al revisar mi blog, noté que nunca lo hice. Probablemente porque no solían ser mis dibujos favoritos y es curioso porque ambos adornan mi cuarto, mis paredes, los veo cada día al despertar, al dormir, siempre están justo frente a mi, tal vez esa sea la razón, quizá de tanto verlos me aburrí, no lo se... Lo cierto es que en este episodio lo dedicare a ellos, a mi amada escala de grises y saqué del cajón algunos bocetos que tenia muchísimo tiempo sin ver.


Mi Primer Amor | El Grafito

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Un simple lápiz y un borrador, es todo lo que necesitamos para darle rienda suelta a la imaginación. Aunque al igual que cualquier otro niño, siempre exploraba otros materiales, creo que solía ser mucho mas curiosa de lo normal, pero admito que mi técnica favorita siempre era mi lápiz de grafito, mi querida escala de grises. Nunca me sentí muy cómoda con las pinturas y los pinceles, pasé mucho tiempo refugiada en este polvillo grisáceo tan particular.

Algo que me parece muy curioso de muchos de nosotros cuando comenzamos a dibujar es que tenemos una extraña pasión por las sombras, cuando descubrimos que existen lápices de grafito tipo B con gradaciones muy altas y minas super oscuras, sentimos que lo necesitamos en nuestras vidas, es una extraña necesidad por ensuciarnos las manos y al mismo tiempo todo el dibujo durante el proceso jajaja...

Poco a poco fui cambiando mi técnica y método de hacer mis dibujos. No me agradaba mucho el desastre que causaban esas minas tan oscuras y densas, cuando adquirí un poco mas de experiencia, decidí sustituir los lápices mas oscuros por minas mas claras y duras y así evitar dañar todo el dibujo.


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Cambiando mi Escala de Grises por Colores

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La razón por la que comencé oficialmente a dibujar a color fue por la demanda. Siempre me pedían dibujos a color. Admito que al principio no se sentía muy bien, los colores no eran mi fuerte o simplemente no nos llevábamos muy bien, me parecía muy particular que las personas interpretaban o relacionan la escala de gris con algo triste o asociado a emociones que tildamos de 'negativas", cosa es absolutamente falso o al menos tengo una perspectiva del color completamente diferente. En algunas ocasiones me molestaba por ello, creo que me aferraba a mi zona de confort, ese tipo de cambios me generaba cierta frustración.

En la actualidad como es evidente, siempre hago trabajos principalmente a color y suelen ser muy vibrantes, creo que demasiado. Esta vez no es por la demanda sino mas bien, cosa que me causa algo de risa, "terminar los dibujos rápidos" es mi zona de confort. Con el tiempo descubrí que dibujar a color era mucho más rápido y ahí entendí en cierta forma el porqué dibujan tanto a color jajaja...no, probablemente no sea el caso, pero suele ser el mío. Dibujar en gris la verdad suele ser tedioso y muy cansón y me pasaba muy a menudo, que me daban unas crisis de ansiedad el tan solo pensar en dibujar.


Mi Primera Exposición de Arte

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Probablemente lo he mencionado antes pero no solía mostrar mis dibujos, ya que eran muy personales, siempre sentí que mis dibujos eran como una especie de diario ilustrado o era mi propia alma que se manifestaba en el papel. Nunca fui el dibujante que buscaba referencias ni nada por el estilo, pues mi intención nunca fue ser artista, ni estudiar dibujo...Solo me nacía esa necesidad por expresarme de esa forma por mi incapacidad de hablar y expresar emociones con mis palabras. Por esa y muchas otras razones no mostraba lo que hacia, me sentía como desnuda ante la gente y admito que no quería responder a la típica pregunta: ¿Qué significa ese dibujo?
No sabia como responder eso.

En 2015 , mientras me encontraba bajo terapia con un Psicólogo, él insistió en que participara en una exposición que estaban organizando en la Escuela de Artes de mi Ciudad (Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolívar. Venezuela). Fue algo del destino, que justamente mi terapeuta era Artista Plástico y por eso se preocupó de que yo comenzara a mostrar todo eso que escondía, mis queridos dibujos grisáceos. Finalmente acepté, ya que era algo pequeño y privado, justamente era un grupo de personas con necesidades especiales, creo que en su mayoría con autismo, definitivamente no era casualidad, esa tarde mostré estas dos criaturas, los otros dibujos los he compartido en otros post muy viejos, pero estas niñas grises, se las presento hoy.

¿Estas niñas tienen algún significado?
  • No estoy realmente segura, creo que en esta época, todavía buscaba mi estilo, le daba forma poco a poco sin notarlo, pero lo que sí es cierto es que eran como una versión mía caricaturizada, siempre con los elementos que me caracterizan, los ojos, animales como totems, siempre ese aire místico y misterioso, la segunda niña recuerdo que quería dibujar como una especie de super heroína, acabo de notar que en ambos hay un gato, en ese tiempo me gustaba hacer criaturas voluptuosas como las de Botero. Probablemente si lo analizo un poco mas, tiene mucho sentido, buscar siempre una figura parecida a mi, como una búsqueda de quien era...era una época de búsqueda sin duda.


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Viejos Bocetos | Proyectos sin terminar

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Mi cementerio de bocetos, al menos así me siento cada vez que los veo, comienzo a viajar en el tiempo, al pasado... aunque ciertas cosas podria tildarlas como "negativas", algo que noté es esa inquietud por dibujar siempre, por intentar hablar con mis trazos, sin importar nada, sin preocuparme por detalles, simplemente sacar ese algo indescriptible que tenia por dentro como lo hacen los niños. Ahora admito que esa espontaneidad la extraño un poco y dejar tanto el control por querer terminarlo todo, con lujos y detalles porque obviamente ya es un trabajo y no un mero hobbie, ni mucho menos una terapia.

Un momento así me vendría muy bien, como los viejos tiempos, un simple lápiz y un papel, rayones por doquier sin planear tanto, sin tanto juicio, ni intentar satisfacer ese instinto insaciable de perfección en los detalles.

Mientras tanto me fijo en algunos bocetos que me gustaría terminar, a pesar de ser muy antiguos, pero la idea como tal me sigue llamando la atención, he imaginado algunos en versión digital, pero admito que todavía no he desarrollado la misma paciencia que tengo en el arte tradicional en el campo digital, me cuesta todavía, no me logro adaptar.

  • Dato curioso: El ultimo boceto con esa criatura extraña fue una especie de alien que vi en un sueno, fue super raro, tenia el cuerpo como del tigre de Tazmania pero con cara humana o de alien con unos ojos inmensos como de gato, nunca lo olvidare.



Y por último solo diré que intentare invocar el espíritu de la escala de gris otra vez para ver si vuelvo a conectarme un poco con el, tal vez no para dibujar una pieza completa en esa técnica pero si para lograr un mejor acabado en mis dibujos a color, ya que cuando he probado este método de usar como base el gris, la verdad que me encanta como resaltan los colores y se logra como un efecto un tanto realista y hasta 3D en ocasiones, es muy interesante! :)

Gracias por visitar y apoyar mi pequeño rincón artístico, Nos vemos luego! Bendiciones! ;)




Mis Redes Sociales y Gallerias

Contenido creado por mi
Traducido con Deepl.com

©Medussart 2021


WOW! These are some incredible artworks. I love your technical skill and that Tom & Jerry art supply case is badass. You did some amazing work and i am glad that you took some advice and joined into your exhibition. That look on your face is priceless! hahaha
I love you hair. It was nice to see the person behind the legend of MedussArt. Your hair is amazing. I would love to see your hair as a topic of your artistic creations! Thanks for sharing such an intimate and personal side to your art! It's greatly appreciated and thanks for sharing your art here with us in this community. You and your art are highly valued here!

Thanks to you for reading and curating our posts ♥️and taking your time to write us great comments.
Hahaha that's one of my biggest problems in photos, that look on my face, i can't control it 🤣 That day was a challenge for me, definitely... I love that vintage pencil case and the 90's stuff, it was a gift from my sister. Long ago i used to draw girls with crazy hair but for some reason i stopped doing it, still having an obsession with long hair, maybe because of my disconnection with the human figure, i started drawing weird creatures with crazy stuff on top of their heads, i'll keep that in mind these days of introspection ;)

I have some pretty long hair for a dude... but it's not curly. I have always liked and admired curly hair! So... i think it's super cool. It's funny since i grew up in the 90's that it's now vintage! hahaha I have been a fan of your art for a long time and your username always caught my attention.

There's nothing wrong with hiding your face in those situations! Especially, since that look is priceless! hahaha

You're welcome for the curation and it's truly my honor and privilege to comment to support and encourage fellow artists here on Hive, especially in the Alien Art Hive community! Have a great rest of the weekend my friend.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Que geniales esos skechts! El gráfito es el primer amor de todo dibujante jeje, me encanta como resaltaste las sombras.

Tu foto más reciente me recuerda a un personaje de Harry Potter, la maga oscura Bellatrix 😁🖤.

Jajajajajaja Gracias! Sí, la he visto en memes de Facebook, yo versión flaca 🤣

Wow, your drawings are amazing and I love your shading style! Makes it look as though the skin of the subjects is porcelain.


Thank you very much for stopping by, I'm glad you liked it... thanks for the pizza ;) greetings!


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Una hermosa narración/reflexión, siempre consideré que tus obras son reflejo de un mundo muy fantástico y espiritual que habita dentro de ti, las amé desde el primer momento que las vi y tanto ellas como tú han influido de gran manera en mí y en mi arte, cosa que siempre agradeceré.

P.D: Me encanta tu foto con el poeta 😁

Gracias! Es grato saber que mis dibus han sido buena influencia para otros :)... jajaja tengo unas fotos mas graciosas que esas pero no las publique, agarrando un perol que nos dio 🤣