summertime and the living is easy cocktail #2 | EN/ES

in Alien Art Hive4 years ago



Hello dear community,

I want to share a beautiful moment which I have experienced this summer.

I was spending time in nature with my friends. As I was going from the parking spot, towards the climbing wall, I walked on a small path through a dense forest. Suddenly I heard someone running, but it sounded too fast for a person. I didn't even have time to look around when a deer leapt two meters in front of me. I've never seen a wild deer so close. Though it was just few seconds, the experience was so vivid that I can still see that image. For a few seconds I stood there stunned. I'm thankful to the forest for the beautiful experience.

As for me, there's no perfect summer without forest, hiking and camping, I decided to create second summertime "cocktail", which combines my experience with the deer.

Thank you for reading my post 😊



Hola querida comunidad,

Quiero compartir un hermoso momento que he vivido este verano.

Estaba pasando tiempo en la naturaleza con mis amigos. Cuando iba desde el aparcamiento, hacia el muro de escalada, caminaba por un pequeño sendero a través de un denso bosque. De repente oí a alguien corriendo, pero sonaba demasiado rápido para una persona. Ni siquiera tuve tiempo de mirar a mi alrededor cuando un ciervo saltó dos metros delante de mí. Nunca había visto un ciervo salvaje tan cerca, aunque fueron sólo unos segundos, la experiencia fue tan vívida que todavía puedo ver esa imagen. Durante unos segundos me quedé allí aturdida. Estoy agradecida al bosque por esta hermosa experiencia.

Como para mí, no hay un verano perfecto sin bosque, senderismo y acampada, decidí crear un segundo "cóctel" veraniego, que combina mi experiencia con el ciervo.

Gracias por leer mi post 😊


NFT Gallery


This one turned out really nice! I bet it was a magical experience!

Thank you so much 😊
Yes, it was magical indeed ♥️

You are most welcome.